专业英语四级精选阅读50篇——Finding the Direction and Location-查字典英语网
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专业英语四级精选阅读50篇——Finding the Direction and Location

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Finding the Direction and Location

  How can you tell which direction? By day, look for the Sun. It is in the east in the morning and the west in the afternoon. At night, use the Big Dipper to help you find the North Star. It would be better to bring a compass because its needle always points north.

  How do you know how far you have gone? You could count every step. Each step is about two feet. Youd better wear a pedometer which is a tool that counts steps. If you know where you started, which direction you are heading, and how far you have gone, you can use a good map to figure out exactly where you are.

  Today there is a new way for travelers to figure out where they are. It is the GPS. It has 24 satellites that orbit the earth and constantly broadcast their positions. Someday you may carry a small receiver as you hike and use GPS to find out if you are there yet!

  Useful Words and expressions:

  1. dipper北斗七星

  2. compass 罗盘

  3. pedometer 步数计

  4. GPS= Global Position System全球定位系统

  5. orbit 轨道,绕轨道而行

  6. receiver 接收器



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