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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Governing partnerships


  EVER since the inception of the corporation, theprincipal-agent problem has bedevilledshareholders. The partnership structure that prevails at consulting, accounting and law firms issupposedly free of the risk of executives acting in their own interest at the owners expense. Asthe businesses belong to the employees, the incentives of managers and proprietors should bealigned. But leaders there must pay greater heed to the views of their worker-shareholdersthan do corporate bosses, who need only answer to boards selected by proxy votes that arerarely contested, and can simply issue orders to staff.

  自公司成立以来,委托代理 问题一直困扰着股东们。这种合伙制结构在咨询公司、会计师事务所和法律公司当中非常盛行,它被认为能够避免这样一种风险,即高管用所有者的资金从事跟自己利益相关的活动。虽然公司业务是由雇员经手,但是管理者的目标应该与企业所有者的利益一致。但领导人必须更加注意他们的同时也生为公司股东的员工们的意见,而不是公司老板们,因为他们只需要向精选出来并很少提出质疑的董事会回答问题、只需要简单地命令员工就行了。

  This distinction is never more apparent than when the head of a partnership steps down.They will be dusting off the ballot boxes at Deloitte, the biggest of the Big Four globalaccounting firms. On August 15th Joe Echevarria, the boss of the American arm, said he wouldbe leaving the firm. Rather than summon an executive-search agency to do some discreetrecruiting, Deloitte will hold a leadership election.


  The firm does not disclose the mechanics of the process. But most partnerships form anomination committee on their executive boards to assess candidates on both their visions forthe firm and how much support they command from peers. After a series of informalconsultations with fellow partners, the committee delicately advises likely losers to bow outgracefully. If these soundings yield a clear-cut heir apparent, the firm may proceedstraight to a coronation vote where the new leader is rubber-stamped.


  If there are a few strong contenders, the process starts to resemble a political campaign.Candidates often write manifestos outlining their plans, and occasionally address theelectorate at annual partners meetings. Behind the scenes, horse-trading abounds, as thecandidates promise juicy posts to influential partners who can deliver a block of support fromcolleagues. Each partner usually gets one vote, regardless of their equity stake.


  The race to succeed Mr Echevarria is likely to be hotly contested. Under his stewardship since2011, Deloitte has grown impressively. In the first two years of his term, revenues at itsAmerican arm rose from $11.9 billion to $13.9 billion. The other members of the Big FourEY,PwC and KPMGsold their consulting arms after the Enron scandal and have since had torebuild them from scratch. Deloitte stayed in consulting and Mr Echevarria has pushed that sideof the business.


  Since consulting s profit margins are fatter than for auditing, Mr Echevarria s strategy hassurely inflated partners paypackets. But it carries a greater risk of conflicts of interest, given thetemptation for accounting firms to cut their clients slack on audits and compliance work inorder to retain lucrative consulting business. On August 18th New York s regulators fined PwC$25m for watering down a report on sanctions-busting transactions with Iran at a Japanesebank; they punished Deloitte for a similar violation last year. The leaders of the Big Four havecustomarily come from the auditing side. If Deloitte s partners vote for a consultant, it will leavelittle doubt that the firm s roots in bean counting are being left further behind.




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