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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  After Tusk


  Donald Tusk s replacement has a chance to revivehis party


  THE choice of Donald Tusk, Poland s long-servingprime minister, as the next president of the European Council is rearranging Polish politics. Hewill be replaced by Ewa Kopacz, Speaker of the parliament. Ms Kopacz has two weeks toassemble a new cabinet and gain the approval of parliament, which should be easy. She hasthe opportunity for a velvet cabinet reshuffle, says Wojciech Szacki of Polityka Insight, apolitical-analysis firm. That gives her the chance to reverse the misfortunes of Civic Platformthat have left the party lagging behind the right-wing Law and Justice party, led by JaroslawKaczynski.

  长期担任波兰总理的唐纳德图斯克选择担任下届欧洲理事会主席,而这一举动是要重新整理波兰政治。总理一职将由国会发言人埃娃科帕奇接任。科帕奇有两周时间重组新内阁并获得议会批准,这对她而言并非难事。她有机会重新梳理内阁的丝路,政治分析公司政策观察的Wojciech Szacki如是说。公民纲领党一直被雅罗斯瓦夫卡钦斯基领导的右翼法律与公正党甩在后面,而这次重组内阁使得科帕奇有机会反转这个霉运。

  Civic Platform has appeared listless for months. It was rocked by the recent waitergatescandal, in which several senior ministers were illegally recorded in Warsaw restaurants andtheir indiscretions splashed in the newspapers. The halo of Mr Tusk s new job has already givenCivic Platform a boost: one poll found it leaping by ten points to overtake Law and Justice, forthe first time in a while.


  The government has big gaps to fill. Mr Tusk will be joined in Brussels by his capable deputy,Elzbieta Bienkowska. After doing an excellent job of disbursing the billions of euros Poland getsfrom the European Union, she is to become European commissioner for the internal market.There is no obvious candidate to take over from her. There could be change at the foreignministry, which Radek Sikorski has headed since 2007. He is said to be in the running forSpeaker of parliament, but changing a well-regarded foreign minister in the middle of theUkraine crisis may not seem wise. More certain to go is Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, the interiorminister, whose dinner-table talk made such lurid reading.

  波兰政府还要补很多课。图斯克将通过他的得力助手Elzbieta Bienkowska加入布鲁塞尔。在出色地完成了支付波兰从欧盟得到的数十亿欧元这一工作之后,Elzbieta Bienkowska即将成为欧洲内部市场专员。对于她的接班人,并没有明显的人选可以接替她。而拉德克斯考斯基自2007年开始领导的外交部可能会出现变动。据说他会担任国会发言人,但在乌克兰危机时期更换一名广受好评的外交部长似乎并非明智之举。内务部长Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz在餐桌上的交谈为这一爆炸性消息更增添了可信度。

  Ms Kopacz will have to hold Civic Platform together in the absence of Mr Tusk, who was one ofits founders and has used a blend of charisma and ruthlessness to keep rivals in check. Theparty has several barons and there are ideological splits between conservatives and liberals. MsKopacz lacks Mr Tusk s charm, but she was an effective health minister, a job that is often agraveyard for ambitious politicians.


  She also has at least one momentary advantage. Mr Kaczynski was caught flat-footed by MrTusk s promotion, seeming uncertain whether to congratulate him or denigrate hisachievement. With a hand-kissing old-world approach to women, he has tended to beclumsy in attacking female rivals. Civic Platform s new hope is that it may win November s localelections. Next spring s presidential vote is a forgone conclusion, with the Civic Platformincumbent, Bronislaw Komorowski, likely to romp home. That gives Ms Kopacz just over a yearto shore up her party before she tries for an unprecedented third general election victory.




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