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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Why Amazon is buying a video-game streaming site


  ON OCTOBER 4th 2013, tens of thousands ofgamers packed the Staples Centre inLos Angelestowatch SK Telecom T1 triumph over Royal Club in the annual finals of League of Legends, ateam-based video game; 32m people watched the games live at some point, about 50% morethan watch Sunday Night Football. But they did not watch on television. They used Twitch.tv,a website founded in 2011 that streams live video directly to users computers.

  2013年10月4日,成千上万的游戏玩家挤在洛杉矶的斯台普斯中心围观SK Telecom T1在团队视频游戏英雄联盟年度总决赛上击败了Royal Club;观看这场游戏竞赛直播的观众人数多达3200万人,这比观看周日橄榄球之夜的观众人数多了约50%。但他们没有用电视观看直播,而是使用 Twitch.tv,一家在2011年建立的直接面向用户电脑的流媒体视频直播网站。

  On August 25th Amazon announced that it would buy Twitch for $970m, an indication of thegrowing importance of video-streaming websites. Amazon was not the only one interested: afew months ago Google had been rumoured to be on the verge of offering $1 billion for the firmas well.


  Video-streaming websites are not new. Twitch.tv was spun out of Justin.tv, a site set up in2007 to allow Justin Kan, one of its founders, to broadcast his life to anyone who wasinterested. Soon, everyone could use it, letting them make television shows with nothing moreexpensive than a webcam and a computer.

  流媒体视频网站并不是新事物。 Twitch.tv是从Justin.tv独立出来的,而Justin.tv是在2007创立的,其创建者之一Justin Kan可以通过其传播他的生活点滴,任何对此感兴趣的人都可以订阅。不久后,每个人都可以使用这个网站制作发布他们各自的视频节目,且只用一个摄像头和一台电脑就能完成。

  It is the combination of streaming and video games that has attracted Amazon s interest.Gaming became the most popular genre on Justin.tv, and Twitch was created to appeal toplayers. Viewers watch people play competitively, give advice on how to improve, or simplydiscuss anything that takes their fancy. The best streamers earn a comfortable living fromadvertising revenue and donations from fans.


  In July Twitch attracted 55m viewers, who collectively watched 15 billion minutes of video. Thatwas enough to make it the biggest consumer of bandwidth inAmericaafter Netflix, Google andApple. The typical Twitch viewer spends almost two hours a day on the site, far more than onsites like Netflix or YouTube. That delights advertisers, as does Twitch s audience: mostly youngmen with plenty of disposable income.


  Amazon s boss, Jeff Bezos, presumably thinks Twitch s breakneck growth will continue. He ispaying nearly four times what he forked out for the Washington Post in 2013. But he will needto tread carefully. Twitch s users like the site s free-and-easy feel.Some worry that absorptioninto the Amazonian mother ship may not be compatible with a laid-back atmosphere. But ifAmazon starts making changes, there is little to stop streamers and viewers defecting to rivalsites such as Hitbox.

  亚马逊的总裁Jeff Bezos大概认为Twitch的高速增长将会持续。他收购Twitch的花费是2013年收购华盛顿邮报花费的近4倍。但是他需要谨慎行事。 Twitch的用户喜爱的是该网站自由与轻松的感觉。有些人担心,Twitch与亚马逊母舰兼并的过程可能不会太轻松。但是如果亚马逊开始对Twitch 的做出改变,就没有什么能阻止Twitch的视频发布者和订阅者转向Hitbox等竞争对手网站。



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