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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Scotland s referendum endgame


  A war of attrition


  The peculiar smallness of Scotland s independencedebate


  RESEMBLING nothing so much as a pair of irritablegolfers yelling at each other in the clubhouse bar, on August 25th the leaders of Scotland spro- and anti-independence camps collided in the second of two televised debates. If passionsare high as the referendum campaign enters its final legwith unionists ahead in polls butwary of a late nationalist surgethis reflects the stakes. A yes vote on September 18thwould terminate Britain s 307-year-old political union.


  Filter out the noisy interruptions, though, and both Alex Salmond, Scotland s nationalistpremier, and Alistair Darling, the unionist former chancellor of the exchequer, make dry points.Neither lingered on the overall case for or against the union, though Mr Darling banged onabout currency whenever he could. For much of the debate they tussled over domestic policyareas like health care and housing benefits. A contest between two starkly different futures forBritain came to resemble one over today s public services.


  Another recent debate involving lesser figures in Dalkeith, near Edinburgh, suggests why thecampaigns are so keen to occupy this ground. The church where it was held contained across-section of the electorate: from teenagers to pensioners, some in tracksuits, others incollar and tie. From the altar, an actuarial no campaigner brandished charts depicting the risksof independence. They clapped. Then his yes opponent lamented Scotland s plundered oil.They clapped again. Many cheerily applauded both sides.


  The latest Scottish Social Attitudes survey suggests that about one-third of Scots arecommitted to independence and another third think devolution need go no farther than it hasalready. The referendum will be decided by the restpragmatists who would prefer greaterautonomy without quitting the United Kingdom altogether. Wise to this, the two sides havetried to convey that this is more-or-less what voting for them would achieve in practice, whileseeking to push the other lot off the devo max territory. Hence the debate s apparentsmallness.

  最新的关于苏格兰社会态度的调查显示,约有三分之一的苏格兰人致力于独立;另外三分之一的苏格兰人认为维持如今的自治水平,不必走得更远 。苏格兰公投将由那些想要得到更大自主权而不是脱离英联邦的实用主义者一锤定音。对于此种状态,明确的做法是,两大阵营都在试图传达着一个讯息这些实用主义者通过自己的投票或多或少会实现什么,并且同时寻求促使其他人脱离放权最大的舒适区域。因此,辩论相比起来就是显而易见的渺小。

  The three main unionist partiesLabour, the Liberal Democrats and the Conservativeshaveeach published proposals for further devolution. The Tory report, published in June, was themost striking: a party that has long stood for political centralisation offered Edinburgh fullcontrol of income tax. And the nationalist government has alighted on similar ground from theopposite side. Last November it published a 670-page manifesto insisting that anindependent Scotland could share the pound, stay in the EU and remain closely integrated withthe rest of Britain. Over the next few weeks campaigners from both camps will assure votersthat their particular brand of semi-detachedness holds the solution to their day-to-daygripes.


  This is remarkable, and lamentable. A victory for the nationalists would send tremors farbeyond Scotland. It would trigger calls for David Cameron, the Conservative prime minister, toresign. It would change the arithmetic, and quite possibly the outcome, of next year s generalelection. It would embolden separatists in Spain, Belgium and elsewhere. The differencebetween the campaigns pitches to voters may be relatively modest, but that between a yesand a no is vast.




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