Watch your wallets: the baby-boomers are beginningto retire
WHEN MOST LABOUR was agricultural, peoplegenerally toiled in the fields until they dropped. Theidea of formal retirement did not become feasibleuntil work moved from farms to factories. In 1889Otto von Bismarck[1] famously introduced theworlds first pension scheme inGermany. In the 20th century, when universal suffrage became widespread, a period ofretirement after work was seen as a mark of a civilised social democracy.
After the second world war pension provision increased markedly, but the number of elderlypeople was still quite small. In the 1970s and 1980s caring for them seemed easily affordable.Many countries even reduced their retirement ages.
The demographic picture looks different now that the baby-boomers are starting to retire. In1950 there were 7.2 people aged 20-64 for every person of 65 and more in the OECD. By 1980the ratio had dropped to 5.1. Now it is around 4.1, and by 2050 it will be just 2.1. In short,every couple will be supporting a pensioner.
但是现在情况有所不同,从统计图表来看,生育高峰期的一代人开始逐渐退休。1950年,在世界经济与合作组织成员国里,年龄在20-64岁间的人与65岁及65岁以上的老年人的比例为7.2。在1980 年,该比例降低为5.1,现在将近4.1,到2050年,这个数字仅仅是2.1。简单来说,就是每对夫妇需资助一位养老金领取人。
Europe and Japan are facing the biggest problems.The average dependency ratio in the EuropeanUnion is already down to 3.5, and is heading for 1.8by 2050. In Italy it is forecast to be nearly 1.5 andin Germany nearly 1.6 by then. Japan is on track fora startling 1.2. Since the average pensionercurrently draws a total of about 60% of medianearnings, from government and private sources, thesystem is likely to become unaffordable. In a sense,it does not matter how the benefits are paid for. Ifthey are unfunded, they come from workers taxes;if funded, they come from investment income. But the income has to be generated by someone.
欧洲和日本面临的形势最为严峻。欧洲国家的比例已经降至3.5,逐渐向2050年的1.8迈进。到那时,预计意大利的比例将接近1.5,德国将是1.6左右,日本更向惊人的1.2挺进。当前,养老金是政府和个人提供的,平均每位养老金领取者大约拿到中等收入个人60% 的薪资,养老体制很可能将承担不起。从某种意义上来说,问题并不在于如何缴纳养老金。如果没有筹措到资金,将由纳税人承担;如果筹措到资金,将由投资处承担,只是资金必须有人来提供。
There are ways of reducing the burden. The current generation of workers could save morenow. If they put more money into funded pension schemes, the extra saving might encouragemore investment and thus boost economic growth. A wealthier society would find it easier toafford paying pensions. Countries with PAYG schemes could raise taxes now, reducing thedeficit and thus the debt burden on the younger generations.
We want it now我们现在就要
But more savings or higher taxation now would require those currently at work to deferconsumption. They may not be willing to do so. And given the weakness of developedeconomies in the wake of the financial crisis, governments may not want to see consumption godown in the immediate future.
In the OECD public spending on pensions benefits has been growing faster than nationaloutput, rising from 6.1% of GDP in 1990 to 7% in 2007. It is forecast to reach 11.4% of GDPby 2050. Those forecasts already take into account the planned rise in retirement ages and alikely drop in replacement ratios and thus assume that voters will approve of pension reformeven as the baby-boomers become a potentially powerful voting block of retired people.
But that assumption may not be safe. Turnout in elections tends to be higher among theelderly than among the young. As Neil Howe and Richard Jackson of the Centre for Strategicand International Studies in Washington, DC, have written: In the 2020s young people indeveloped countries will have the future on their side. Elders will have the votes on theirs.
但是这种假设不是一定的。参加选举的人中,一般老年人会比青年人多。位于华盛顿的战略国际研究中心NeilHowe和Richard Jackson曾写道:21世纪20年代,发达国家的未来当然总是年轻人的,但是,选票却握在老年人手中。
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