IBM v Carnegie Corporation
IBM vs 卡耐基基金会
The centenarians square up
Both IBM and the Carnegie Corporation will turn 100this month. Has the multinational business oruniversal philanthropy done more for society?
ONE simple way to assess the impact of any organisation is to answer the question: how isthe world different because it existed? That is the test set out by Sam Palmisano in theforeword to a new book celebrating the 100th birthday of IBM, the firm he has run since 2002.But another organisation is also turning 100 this monththe Carnegie Corporation of NewYork, a flagship of American philanthropy. Mr Palmisanos insight is too good to limit to onlyone of the centenarians. A better question is: which has done more for the world, one of itsleading companies or one of its most influential charities?
At first glance, IBM and the Carnegie Corporation seem to be engaged in such differentendeavours that comparing them might seem about as sensible as comparing apple orchardsand orange groves. Making money has always been the main aim of the company formed in1911 by the merger of three small producers of mechanical accounting machines, scales andtime recorders, and renamed International Business Machines 13 years later. By contrast, theCarnegie Corporation explicitly set out to create a better world by giving away what remainedof the great fortune of its industrialist founder, Andrew Carnegie. Yet both can assert thatthey have made the world a better place during the past century, and it is far from obviouswhich claim is stronger.
The answer matters, and not just in order to awardthe historical bragging rights. Comparing the recordsof those giants of 20th-century American capitalismor philanthrocapitalismcan shed light on aquestion that is keenly debated today: whetherphilanthropy or business is more effective atMaking the World Work Better, to borrow the titleof the book celebrating IBMs centenary.
这个问题的答案很重要,不只是为了奖励它们吹嘘自己的历史。比一比20世纪美国资本主义或慈善资本主义 那些巨头公司的记录,有助于理解一个今天被热烈讨论的问题:慈善事业或企业哪一个在借用那本庆祝IBM百年生日的书名使世界运行得更好的方面更有效?
The comparison can also help answer an old question about the proper role of business insociety. Many people would agree with Milton Friedmans view that the only social responsibilityof business is to increase its profits. But Michael Porter, a management guru, recentlycaused a stir by arguing that firms should seek instead to create shared value thatsimultaneously benefits both the firm and society. Andrew Carnegie would have sharedFriedmans view of business, saving the philanthropy until after the money has been made.IBM, at least after Thomas Watson senior took charge in 1914, has arguably been a case studyin how to create shared value, both through its formalised giving, which is among the mostgenerous in corporate America, but more fundamentally through its everyday business.
And the comparison can shed light on the role of the wealthy in society. Bill Gates, the AndrewCarnegie of today, is busily giving away the fortune he earned in businessa fact that hasirked some prominent critics. A few years ago, Robert Barro, an economist, argued in the WallStreet Journal that by switching from making money to giving it away, Mr Gates had failed toappreciate both the good he had done at Microsoft and the waste that he was about topreside over as a philanthropist. By any reasonable calculation, Microsoft has been aboon for society and the value of its software greatly exceeds the likely value of Mr Gatessphilanthropic efforts, concluded Mr Barro.
Yet Mr Gates and his partner in philanthropy, Warren Buffett, are not only confident theycan improve the world by giving away their money through a charitable foundation much likethe Carnegie Corporation . They are also trying to persuade other billionaires inAmerica and abroad to pledge publicly to give away at least half of their wealth during theirlifetimes.
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