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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  BANKS in Westerncountries dragged their economiesinto the great recession. Banks in Chinapulled thecountry out of it. Much of the Chinese governmentsstimulus effortfrom 2008 to 2010 was left to financial institutions, which proved better atshovingmoney out of the door than Americas federal government.


  The banks lent tothousands of investment corporations set up by local governments, whichcannotborrow in their own name. With the help of some initial capital and collateral,like land,these investment vehicles directed the lending into local bridges,tunnels and real-estateventures. But many of the loans have turned bad,threatening the balance-sheets of the banksthat made them.


  Now the centralgovernment has at last resolved to clean up the mess, according tounnamedofficials cited by Reuters this week. Chinas government will consolidatethousands ofinvestment vehicles and hive off some of their debts into separatecompanies open to privateinvestors. It will force the banks to write offanother slice of the bad debt, and repay a chunk ofit from its own budget.Much of the stimulus lending of 2008-10 may turn out to be publicspending after all.


  The government hasnever revealed how much debt the local-government vehicles took on. Despitethis opacity, or perhaps because of it, these hidden liabilities have becomeone of the four big worries haunting China-watchers, along with the propertybubble, inflation and lightly regulated trust companies. Victor Shih of Northwestern University has described the debts as abig rock-candy mountain. In June 2010, he projected it might reach as high as24 trillion yuan by the end of 2012, or over half of ChinasGDP.


  But the centralgovernment itself now reckons the debts amount to 10 trillion yuan, accordingto an official cited by Reutersa quarter of GDP. That is bigger than Americas state and local-government debt but the same as Indias.


  Not all of this 10 trillion yuan will go bad. Somelocal-government investments will prove bankable in the strict sense that theborrower captures a big enough return to repay the loan. An analysis by the

  21stCentury Business Herald, a Chinese newspaper, suggests that only28% of the loans have failed to generate much cashflow. In other cases, the social benefits of a project might exceed the costs, even though the benefits do not accrue to the local government itselfespecially if the people employed would otherwise have stood idle.


  But could Chinaafford the stimulus? The official public debt of the central government wasonly 19% of GDP at the end of 2010. Adding the debts of local governments, thenon-performing loans of the banks and other liabilities, such as central-bankbills, the public debt amounts to about 80% of GDP according to Andrew Batsonand Janet Zhang of GaveKalDragonomics, a consultancy in Beijing. That sounds high for a developingcountry. But like Indiassimilar debt burden , the liabilities are mostly denominated in thecountrys own currency and held domestically, often by docile institutions,such as state banks. The only entities that could trigger a crisis ofconfidence in government debt are themselves owned by the government, theysay. Chinaspublic finances may not be as sweet as they appeared, but they are not sour.

  但是,中国能负担的起这种经济刺激计划吗?中央政府2010年底所公布的官方公共债务仅为GDP的19%。根据北京一家名为 GaveKalDragonomics咨询公司咨询师安德鲁巴森和珍妮特张的估算,如果加上地方政府的债务、银行石沉大海的贷款和其他欠款,如中央银行的票据等,公共债务将达到GDP的80%。这个数字对于一个发展中国家来说太高了。但是就如同印度相似的债务负担一样,这些债务都以本国货币计值并且通常由易于控制的机构来持有,比如国有银行。唯一可以引发政府债务信任危机的就是这些债务本身。中国的公共财政可能并不像他们所表现得那么优质,但也绝不差劲。



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