COMPARED with IBM, Microsoft is a mere stripling.Founded in 1975, it rose swiftly to dominate the world of personal computing with itsWindows operating system and Office suite of word-processing and other productivity tools.But the company is now showing some worrying signs of middle-age fatigue. In particular, itis struggling to find a growth strategy that will enthuse disgruntled shareholders.
Grumbles are understandable. Since Steve Ballmer took over from Bill Gates as chiefexecutive in 2000, Microsofts share price has languished and the company has lost itsreputation as a tech trend-setter. It has been left behind in hot areas such as search andsocial networking by younger companies, some of which love to thumb their noses at theirolder rival. Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, recently proclaimed that leadershipin the tech world had passed from Microsoft and others to a Gang of Four fast-growing,consumer-oriented businesses: Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook.
Few would quibble with that. The question is: what, if anything, can Microsoft do to change it?In at least some respects, the company appears to be suffering from similar ailments to thosethat laid IBM low before Lou Gerstner was hired in 1993 to get it back on its feet. These includearrogance bred of dominance of a particular areamainframe computers at IBM, personalcomputers at Microsoftand internal fiefs that hamper swift change. For instance, thedivision that champions cloud computing must deal with one that is the cheerleader forWindows, which is likely to want computing to stay on desktops for as long as possible tomaximise its own revenues.
As IBMs experience shows, rejuvenation in thetech world is possible. And some observers seeencouraging glimmers of progress at Microsoft.Sarah Rotman Epps of Forrester, a research firm,reckons that Windows 8, a forthcoming version ofMicrosofts operating system, could be a seriouscompetitor to Googles Android on tablet computersif the company can get it to market next year.Microsoft is also in far better shape financially thanIBM was at its nadir, so it can afford to splash outon acquisitions such as its recent $8.5 billionpurchase of Skype, an internet-phone and video-calling service.
IBM的经验证明,在科技世界重新焕发青春是可能的。一些观察者在微软身上看到了些许鼓舞人心的进步。市场研究Forrester公司的莎拉??罗特曼??埃普斯认为如果微软能让接下来的新操作系统 Windows8在明年上市,那么它很可能在平板电脑领域与谷歌的安卓系统一决高。与IBM出于最低点时的金融构架相比,微软的要好得多,所以它才可以花大价钱进行收购,比如最近它用85亿美元收购了网络电话及视频服务提供商Skype公司。
That bet and an alliance with Nokia in mobile phones show that Microsoft is trying to bulk up inpromising areas. Yet sceptics worry that such initiatives are not the product of an overarchingstrategic vision, but are instead tactical moves designed to placate critics who fear Microsoftis drifting downwards. David Einhorn, a prominent hedge-fund manager whose fund holdsshares in Microsoft, has publicly called for a change at the top of the firm, arguing that MrBallmer is stuck in the past. So far, the companys board, chaired by Mr Gates, has backed itschief executive. But if IBMs history is a guide, Microsoft may yet end up jettisoning its leader.
这笔赌注再加上在移动电话领域同诺基亚合作证明微软正力图在有前途的领域积累力量。但是怀疑者担心这种举动不是出于一个总体的战略,而是为了抚慰担心微软正走下坡路的批评者的巧妙举措。颇有影响力的对冲基金经理人大卫??埃因霍温公开呼吁微软上层改朝换代,称鲍尔温先生 固步自封,埃因霍温先生的基金拥有微软的股份。到目前为止,由盖茨先生任主席的董事会仍支持他们的总裁。但若以IBM的历史为鉴,那么微软也许最终仍然会抛弃它的领导者。
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