Tilting at windmills
THE melting snows of spring and early summer arejustly celebrated by Aaron Copland and WaltWhitman. But they are causing a lot of trouble in thePacific north-west, as a federal power agency pushes private wind turbines off the grid in whatcritics call a case of favouritism towards electricity generated by federal dams.
The regions wind power companies are enraged and are petitioning the regulators.Encouraged by politicians and their subsidies, they have invested hundreds of millions of dollarsover the past six years on a 14-fold increase in generating capacity.But this year, as anunusually large snowmelt surges into the rivers of Oregon and Washington, the wind lobby ishowling about government perfidy. You cant trust the guy who is running the grid, saysRobert Kahn, executive director of the Northwest Intermountain Power ProducersCoalition.
The guy in question is the Bonneville Power Administration , a venerable federalbureaucracy that markets power from 31 federal dams in the Columbia river basin. Thanks tomonstrous chunks of concrete like Grand Coulee Dam, completed 70 years ago and still thelargest hydroelectric facility in North America, the north-west gets more of its power fromhydro than any other region of the United States.
BPA managers say near-flood conditions in theColumbia riverand strict laws protecting the riversendangered salmongive the agency no choice butto disconnect the windmills as it grapples with alarge power surplus. Not making electricity is not anoption on the river, the BPA argues, because only alimited amount of water can be kept out of turbinesand spilled over federal dams. Too much spilldissolves too much nitrogen in the river, which cankill migrating salmon. There is a particular irony inthe agencys concern about fish, since thedevelopment of the hydroelectric system is largely responsible for destroying the Columbia asone of the worlds great salmon highways.
Be that as it may, in the early morning hours of May 18th, BPA did something it has never donebefore. It took all the regions wind turbines offline for about five hours and it expects tocontinue to pull the plug on them for a few hours almost every night until well into July, whenenough snow in the Cascades and northern Rockies will have melted for the excess run-off to subside. Until then the BPA will be giving electricity away,and paying the transmission costs of utilities willing to take it.
The clean-energy glut was predictable, given the tendency of snow to melt in the spring andgiven whopping increases in the regions wind-generating capacity. Since 2005 wind capacityhas surged from 250 megawatts to 3,500 megawatts, and is expected to double again by2014. More effort by BPA to link this new capacity to grids in California and British Columbiacould have avoided the need to idle those wind turbines, or so a number of power expertsreckon.
源于春季冬雪大量融化的趋势和此地区风力发电量的大幅度增长,人们已经预计出清洁能源产出会过剩。从2005年起,风能发电量从250兆瓦激增到3500兆瓦,到2014年人们预计这一数字会在3500 兆瓦的基础上再翻一倍。如果BPA花力气将风能发出的电力并入加州和不列颠哥伦比亚省的话,将有机会避免风能的浪费。一些专家也认可这种观点。
The crime is that we have been nearsighted, says Angus Duncan, chairman of Oregons GlobalWarming Commission. We are not thinking as far ahead today as we did in the 1930s and1940s, when we started building dams.
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