Keqiang ker-ching
IF CHINAS deputy prime minister, Li Keqiang,succeeds his boss, Wen Jiabao, in 2013, as is likely,he will become his countrys top economic policymaker. But he may not pay much heed to thefigures provincial officials feed him. In 2007 he told Americas ambassador that GDP figures inLiaoning, where he was then party chief, were man-made and unreliable, according to a StateDepartment memo released by WikiLeaks.
Provincial officials have long been suspected of overstating growth. Adding their figurestogether suggests that Chinas economy was $364 billion bigger in 2009 than the total in thenational accounts. Mr Li preferred to track Liaonings economy by looking at other indicators:the cargo volume on the provinces railways, electricity consumption and loans disbursed bybanks.
In Mr Lis honour, The Economist has created a Keqiang index for Chinas economy, combininghis three preferred indicators . It reveals an economy that is as dynamic as theofficial figures suggest, but a great deal more volatile. Electricity consumption and cargo trafficboth shrank in the final months of 2008 and in early 2009, implying that Chinas economysuffered more grievously than the official figures allow. A loan surge in 2009 presaged therapid recovery that followed.
It should come as a relief to all those who doubt Chinas economic statistics that the people in charge of its economy do not entirely trust them either.
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