Hu s coup
THE price is so trivial it will not have a discernible impact on the buyer, ICBC, the Chinese bank that is the worlds biggest by value. By the time the acquisition is approved, it may well have been forgotten by most outsiders. And yet, it could be a transformative deal whose full implications will take years to emerge.
Almost lost amid the many transactions signed on January 21st to coincide with the visit of Chinas President Hu Jintao to America was an agreement by ICBC to buy 80% of the Bank of East Asias small, almost profitless, retail-branch network in New York and California for $140m. If approved, the transaction would be significant because for the first time a Chinese mainland bank would have activities operating under Americas regulatory framework. But its importance goes beyond that. A tick in the box by American regulators, expected by the end of the year, would mean that they have endorsed the soundness of Chinas government controlled and politically directed banking system. That has been a barrier to Chinese banks expanding in America.
In recent years American supervisors have stopped short of granting full approval for Chinese firms, instead allowing them only to provide wholesale services to companies. Even then, in at least one case, supervisors have insisted that the permit be contingent on further improvements in the Chinese firms operating procedures. A licence for a retail operation must pass a higher threshold since local branches will be covered by Americas deposit-insurance umbrella. That, in turn, involves approving not only the operations of the bank that is entering America but also its home regulator, to ensure it is shipshapein the jargon, that it can provide consolidated comprehensive supervision. In theory, the Federal Reserves examiners will now need access to the operations not only of Chinas largest bank but of its regulators.
近年来美国监管者已经停止了对中国公司完整授权许可的短缺控制,取而代之的是仅仅允许他们为其他公司提供大规模金融批发服务。即使那样,至少在个案来说,监管者们已经坚持了颁发许可证取决于中国企业自身运营状况的程序。由于本土银行分支机构位于美国储蓄保险的保护伞下,取得零售金融服务的执照必须通过更高的门槛。如此一来,获准进入美国市场不仅关乎银行自身的运作,还关乎它本国的管理者是否能够保证它的整洁干净用行业术语来说,就是它能够提供 牢靠并且系统的监管。理论上来说,联邦储备审查官员现在需要批准的运营系统不仅属于中国最大的银行,还属于它的母国管理者。
Allowing Chinese banks into America may deepenthe two countries banking links. American firms havebeen able to operate in China and collect depositsfor several yearsCitigroup is one of the largestforeign firms on the mainland. But all suchoperations are strictly limited and usually subduedby red tape. As a result foreign firms market sharein China has long stagnated at under 2%. Somesuggest the ICBC decision may be tied to furtheropening to foreigners by the Chinese, but if so thisquid pro quo will not be part of the formal regulatoryframework, but part of a quiet political bargain.
Chinese banks are not about to conquer the world. ICBC, which has the most expansiveinstincts, has made a few small acquisitions in Asia and is expanding its network of brancheselsewhere, but remains an overwhelmingly domestic outfit. The proposed deal will fit with itsdesire to keep a low profile. The seller, Bank of East Asia, is already foreign, being a HongKong-based firm with close ties to China. Since its American operations are small, with assets ofonly some $700m, and its client base is largely tied to Chinese businesses, the change ofcontrol is unlikely to spark any reaction from customers or competitors. Public comments arebeing minimised to avoid inflaming popular and political passions in America.
If the deal is approved, ICBCs subsequent role in the American market will largely depend on itsambitions. A big acquisition would place it once again before a regulatory review, and, on thebasis of past experience in other industries, generate a firestorm of controversy in America. Itmay prefer to grow organically, since it would probably enjoy full operating rights, while itshealthy profits give it the resources to expand at will. It should have the same legal standingas any American bank, which is to say the right to do business. Americans can hardly whingethat the biggest bank from the worlds second-biggest economy has a growing presence intheir country. They will hope, though, that if its local operation fails, it wont have to be bailedout by Uncle Sam.
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