THE corporate jet gets a lousy press. In the James Bond classic, Goldfinger, the eponymousvillain is sucked out of the window of just such an aircraft. In 2008 the bosses of Detroitsmoribund car companies did themselves no favours when they flew in their gleaming jets toWashington, DC, to beg Congress for bail-outs . And in his presentface-off with the Republicans over the federal debt ceiling, Barack Obama is bashing the jetsagain, because to the man in the street the corporate jet is a perfect proxy for a fat cat. Ivesaid to Republican leaders, you go talk to your constituents and ask them, Are you willing tocompromise your kids safety so some corporate-jet owner can get a tax break?.
Needless to say, Mr Obama is now accused by the aircraft manufacturers of scapegoating asuccessful industry that employs more than a million Americans and by the Republicans oflaunching a populist class war. But this raises a question. If an authentic populist movementexists in the United States today, it is not composed of impoverished class warriors braying tosqueeze the rich until their pips squeak. It is the tea-party movement, whose crusade toslash taxes and pare government to the bone far outweighs whatever distaste it might feeltowards those magnificent fat cats in their flying machines.
Why is bashing the rich such an unpopular form of populism in America? The normal answerfalls back on culture. Bill Galston of the Brookings Institution notes that Americans are repelledby the notion of inequality in worth or status. That men are created equal is, after all, self-evident. They are, however, far less perturbed by unequal wealth, a form of inequality that isthe inevitable product of the free-market system in which most still profess an abiding faith.According to Tom Smith, director of the Centre for the Study of Politics and Society at theUniversity of Chicago, surveys still show Americans to be more sympathetic than Europeans tothe idea that unequal pay encourages people to work hard, for example, and less sympatheticto the idea that governments should try to smooth such inequalities out.
That said, you might think that the normal answerwould no longer do in such abnormal timesafter agreat recession and with 18m people still looking forwork. And, sure enough, every week brings a floodof complaints in the media about the rich gettingricher while the incomes of the middle class stagnateor fall. A survey for the New York Times has justreported that the median pay for top executives at200 big companies last year was little shy of $11m ayeara mouth-watering 23% rise since 2009. JosephStiglitz, the holder of a Nobel prize in economics,claimed in Vanity Fair that the top 1% of Americans were taking in nearly a quarter of thenations income and controlled 40% of its wealth, though others dispute his numbers.
As to whether such disparities should matter, that question has puzzled philosophers at leastsince the Enlightenment. This column proposes no definitive answer this week. The point hereis only that Americans do not seem to mind about the widening inequality of income andwealth as much as you might expect them to in current circumstances. By and large, they havepreferred opportunity to levelling; equality of opportunity rather than equality of outcome.The trouble with this is that America is a long way from providing equal opportunity. Childrenborn into the bottom fifth of the income distribution are nearly five times as likely to end theirlives there as those from families in the top fifth. Indeed, social scientists are no longer surewhether it is still easier to climb the ladder in the classless United States than it is in thesupposedly class-hobbled lands of Western Europe.
What are vote-seeking politicians to make of this? That the American people appear to havekept faith in the hardest of times with the idea of leaving it mainly to markets rather thangovernments to allocate lifes material rewards strikes many Republicans as a marvellous thingthe glorious opposite of what happened in the 1930s, when the economically stricken turnedto government for succour. In the case of the recent collapse, runs the Republican argument,misplaced government interventionsuch as the egalitarian nonsense of extending credit forhome-ownership to those who could not really afford itwas at least as much to blame asthe excesses of the private sector. That, to judge by the eruption of the tea-partymovement, is the verdict of many non-aligned Americans too. So the Grand Old Party isbetting on this anti-government wave restoring it to power in 2012.
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