Connubial bliss in America
AMERICA is the country, said Alexis de Tocqueville, where the bonds of marriage are mostrespected and the concept of connubial bliss has its highest and truest expression. If theFrench aristocrat were to revisit Americas capital today, he might at first glance think hisobservation had withstood the test of time remarkably well. Not content with having in 1996put a Defence of Marriage Act on the statute book, Congress has now begun to holdhearings on a Respect for Marriage Act. Defended, respected: what could possibly ail marriagein America?
Plenty. As the revisiting Norman would swiftly discover, Americans today are better atquarrelling about what marriage is and who should be allowed to enjoy its benefits than theyare at the more demanding work of getting and staying married themselves. The NationalMarriage Project at the University of Virginia points to a widening marriage gap. Traditionalfamily values are enjoying a revival among better-educated Americans, but are fraying in thelower middle class and have collapsed among the poor. As for laws defending and respectingmarriage, these are merely weapons in a battle that has rolled back and forth for more than adecade between those who say that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry and thosewho abhor the idea.
So far neither side has scored a decisive victory,though each will occasionally claim one. When itwas passed, DOMA looked like a solid victory forenemies of gay marriage. Its aim was to nip movestowards same-sex marriage in the bud by definingmarriage as a legal union between one man and onewoman as husband and wife. It also stipulated thatin the event of an individual state making same-sexmarriage lawful, no other state needed to respect therights or claims arising from such a marriage. Tobuttress this apparently formidable firewall, threedozen states have imposed constitutional or other legal bans.
And yet gay marriage marches on, scoring its own victories along the way. Among the greatestand most recent was New Yorks decision last month to become the sixth and most-populousstate to allow same-sex marriage. If the Respect for Marriage Act were to become law , this would defang DOMA and markanother victory for gay marriage. But DOMA is anyway not the deterrent it once seemed. Theever-cautious Barack Obama, who favours civil unions but says his views on gay marriage arestill evolving, has ordered the Justice Department to stop defending the law, which is underchallenge in the courts.
The relentless back-and-forth in Congress, the courts and state legislatures transfixes theminority of Americans who feel strongly about this issue. And yet the cycle of victories anddefeats may in the end matter less than one startling underlying fact, which is that Americasattitudes to homosexuality appear in recent years to have undergone a dramatic change.
Gallup reported in May that for the first time ever amajority of Americans said thatsame-sex couples should have the same marriagerights as straight couples. In 1996, the time ofDOMA, the majority leant 68% to 27% the otherway. The controversial policy of dont ask, donttell, which banned gays from serving openly in thearmed forces, is meanwhile due to expire inSeptember with surprisingly little hue and cry. Andwhen National Journal polled political insiders thismonth, it found a majority of Democratic politicos,lobbyists and strategists in favour of making gay marriage legal. No less telling, a majority oftheir Republican counterparts, while continuing to oppose gay marriage, thought their partyshould just ignore the issue.
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