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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  AT THE new Museum of Liverpool , a sleek limestone affair of Danish design, the citysChinese community, which began with an influx of sailors at the start of the 19th century,gets an exhibit to itself. The emphasis seems a little odd, until you consider the citysregeneration strategy, which rests on a characteristically 21st-century mix of the local and theglobal. The aim is to use Liverpools storied past to attract investment from around the worldand from China in particular.


  Liverpool has been through tough times. Once an imperial entrep?t, the city built its wealth onthe exchange of slaves, cotton and commodities. But the end of empire, the rise of air traveland the advent of shipping containers slashed maritime employment after the 1960s.Manufacturing failed to compensate for the losses, even if a cultural efflorescence led by theBeatles accompanied the economic woes.


  Many problems persist. A city that held 856,000 people in 1931 now houses just over half thatnumber. In the suburb of Anfield, home to Liverpool Football Club, an aborted regenerationscheme has bequeathed row after blighted row of boarded-up houses; gardens areovergrown with weeds and poppies sprout on street corners. The proportion of people onstate benefits is twice the national average, as is the proportion of Liverpudlians who lackformal qualifications. Health is poor and life expectancy is low. Only two-thirds of residents work41% of them in the public sector, which puts the city at especial risk in an era of governmentausterity.

  很多问题继续存在。一个在1931年人口为85万6千的城市,如今的居住人数却只有那时的一半多一点。利物浦足球俱乐部的所在地安菲尔德郊区曾实行过一个复兴策略,但最终流产,遗留下来的是一排又一排门窗被木板钉住的房屋,景象一派衰颓;住宅的花园里野草丛生,街头角落处罂粟疯长。安菲尔德郊区领取政府救济的人数比例两倍于全国平均水平,利物浦没有正式文凭的市民比例也是如此。健康状况相当不堪,平均寿命也不高。只有三分之二的居民有工作其中41% 在政府部门上班,在政府采取紧缩财政措施的年代里,这种情形会使城市的处境特别危险。

  Yet the lean years helped to stop the citys historicbuildings being replaced by the concrete utopiasbeloved of modernist planners. Now Liverpool isusing its bruised beauty to its advantage. It wonits bid to be the 2008 European Capital of Culture,which boosted tourism. The revamped city centre,reopened that year, is tasteful and modern; thenearby Albert Dock, once teeming with stevedores,bustles with bars and restaurants.


  The next step is to attract investment from overseas. To that end, Liverpool Vision has set up a dedicated office in Shanghai. The Peel Group, aninfrastructure and real-estate outfit, hosted a pavilion at the Shanghai World Expo last year. Itis courting Chinese sovereign-wealth funds to develop Liverpools derelict northern dockyards.The plans include a 60-storey Shanghai tower, named to reinforce Liverpools links to thatcity .


  The Peel Group has already secured Chinese cash for a development in Birkenhead, across theMersey: these days, says Lindsey Ashworth, the companys development director, China is amuch more promising source of funds than Britain. The firm sees the two foreign-financedprojects as test cases for others elsewhere in the North West. Things have come full circlesince penurious sailors from the Far East first arrived two centuries ago.


  The Liverpool brand is clearly a tricky, if appealing, proposition. Encrusted with verdigris, twostatues of the liver bird, the citys symbol, sit atop a riverside building. Legend has it that thefemale bird looks out to sea, to search for returning sailors; the male looks back towardsLiverpool, to see if the pubs are open.




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