Winter strikes Chicago
Ready, steady, snow THE city of Chicago is proud ofits ability to keep going, with gritty determination,through the worst of the nations weather. Snowthat would bring London or Washington, DC, to a halt is laughed off as little more than a lightdusting. This year some are expecting particularly bad weather, a test for the new mayor, RahmEmanuel. He must keep the city moving throughout the winter, or face the wrath of the locals.
Fortunately, Chicago is well prepared for snowfall which, for the past four winters, has beenover 50 inches . A secure facility on West Madison Street known as Snow Commandhouses some impressive toys. On one wall vast display-screens reveal everything you mightneed to know about the citys weather conditions: the whereabouts of the fleet of up to 500GPS-equipped snow-moving trucks; views from some of the citys 1,000 cameras; the readingsfrom a dozen road sensors ; and a live feed of the regionalweather system.
After a storm warning comes in from the National Weather Service, Tom Byrne, thecommissioner of the citys Streets and Sanitation Department, watches it move in on cameras innearby states and at the four outermost corners of Chicago. This tells him exactly when andwhere the storm will hit. Getting it wrong means chaos on the roads and possibly accidents.But sending teams out needlessly or too early costs the city $40,000 an hour.
The planning started in the humid heat of summer. Mr Emanuel badly wants to avoid a repeatof the previous mayors Snowmaggedon earlier this year. During the big national blizzard inFebruary, hundreds of drivers had to abandon their vehicles. Although plans have been madeto avoid this happening again, in extreme weather there are limits to what any cityevenChicagois able to deal with. Three inches of snow an hour during rush hour and werecooked, says Mr Byrne.
One innovation this year is an internet snow portal. It will allow citizens to organise themselvesaround snow-clearing activities, adopt a stretch of pavement to clear, offer to share shovelsand snowblowers, or even volunteer to clear snow for people who cannot do so themselves.Traditionalists may not be keen to brag on Facebook about how many pavements they havecleared, but plenty of others arethus helping to spread the citys message that everyone hasto do their bit.
今年的特别之处在于网上有个暴风雪门户。市民可以利用它来安排清理积雪的活动,选取一大片的人行路来清理,与他人共用铁锹和吹雪机,甚至替不能做的人去清理积雪。传统主义者也许不会热衷于在 Facebook上炫耀他们清理了几条马路,但是其他很多人会这么做从而帮助宣扬在这个城市里,每个人都要做好自己的本分。
More comforting for those feeling abandoned by the city during a storm is that it will soon bepossible to see, via the web, exactly where Mr Emanuels snowploughs are and what they aredoing. This is precisely the view available back in Snow Command. With snowploughs, shovelsand smartphones to hand, the city is ready for the stormy blast.
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