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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Chinese jewellers


  AT FIRST blush, Chow Tai Fook may seem to be in a spot of bother. The secretive Hong Kong-based chain of jewellerystores, which on some measures is the worlds largest, has long wanted to float shares on theHong Kong stock exchange. Alas, this week it was forced to scale back both the valuationand the size of its planned offering. Market rumours now suggest it will float about $3 billion-$4billion-worth of shares next month.


  That may be less lucrative than it hoped for, but do not shed any tears for Cheng Yu-tung, thefirms billionaire boss. The weakness of this deal has more to do with market turmoil than any specific snags confrontingCTF. Though almost unknown in the West, the firm is a goliath, with a reported $4.5 billion insales last year, leaping ahead at a rate of over 50% a year. It is already more than twice thesize of Tiffany Co, a posh American jeweller. A recent analysis by George WashingtonUniversity and L2, a think-tank, found the brand is better known in China than Rolex, Bulgarior Tiffany.


  Considering the booming market in China, where most of the firms 1,500 or so outlets arelocated, the future positively glisters for CTF. On some estimates, Chinas jewellery market isalready a 250 billion yuan business, growing at perhaps 15% a year. Part of thegrowth comes from the surge in wealth among the very richest.


  The firms real strength, however, lies in its ability to reach the rising middle classes who liveoutside the biggest cities and who are also splashing out to buy gems and gold . TheWorld Gold Council reckons that China is the worlds fastest-growing market for gold jewelleryand the second-biggest after India. There are now signs that Chinese consumers, confrontedwith rising inflation, are buying gold as a hedge.


  It is true that CTF has rivals, but it seems better positioned to conquer China. Luk Fook, forexample, is another Hong Kong jeweller expanding rapidly on the mainlandbut its strategyrelies chiefly on using franchisees, whereas CTF ensures high quality and branding by directlycontrolling its far-flung outlets. Foreign firms are also expandingPrada had a $2.5 billionstock placement in Hong Kong earlier this year, and Cartier has more than 110 bustling storeson the mainlandbut they rarely stray outside the big cities.

  没错,周大福 是有竞争对手,不过在赢得中国市场方面它似乎更有优势。举例来说,香港另外一家珠宝商六福是另外一家在中国内地迅速扩张的公司,但其战略主要是连锁经营,而周大福则是确保高品质、通过直接控制广泛的零售店打出自己的品牌。外国公司同样不甘示弱:今年早些时候普拉达在香港发行25亿美元的股票配售,卡地亚在中国大陆有超过110家商店,来往顾客络绎不绝。不过在大城市之外鲜见它们的身影。

  Indeed, CTF could even profit by offering global rivals a distribution channel in remoteregions. Local knowledge matters, for tastes differ widely: jade is popular in interior provinces,for example, while coastal regions prefer simple designs. CTF has just struck a deal with DeBeers to market one of the diamond companys brands in its outlet in Changsha, the capital ofHunan province. Global markets may be punishing CTF today, but the heartland of China lookslikely to reward its investors for years to come.

  实际上,如果为全球竞争对手在偏远地区提供一个分销渠道,周大福会获利更多。熟悉当地情况十分重要,因为品味往往各不相同:比方说,翡翠在内陆省份较受欢迎,而沿海地区则偏爱简单的设计。周大福刚刚与德比尔斯达成一笔交易,在湖南省会长沙零售店推广其品牌。 周大福现在可能会在全球市场失利,不过数年以后,中国中心地带可能会给其投资者带来回报。



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