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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Drinking rules


  ALMOST 80 years after the repeal ofProhibition, the sale of wine and spirits remains partly or wholly in government hands in a thirdof Americas states. But in these tough times economic considerations are starting to outweighmoral concerns. On November 8th Washingtons voters approved plans to privatise the states328 liquor outlets and open the business to warehouse stores and supermarkets. Budgetplanners think the change could bring in an extra $80m a year from licence fees. The victory forthe Yes campaignsecured with $22.5m from Costco, a warehouse-store chain, the recordfor a donation to a Washington ballot initiativereduces the number of controlled states to17, following similar moves by West Virginia and Iowa years ago. Other states consideringopening the spigots include North Carolina, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

  在禁酒法案废止近80年后,美国有三分之一州的白酒或葡萄酒销售权部分或者完全的掌握政府手中。但是在经济困难时期对经济的考量超过了道德约束。11月8日,华盛顿进行投票,计划将全国328个白酒分销机构私有化,同时不再限制大商场及超市的白酒销售。预算案的制定者认为此举将带来八千万美元的额外许可费收益。美国批发巨头 COSTCO投入2250万美元用于推动解除酒类销售限制的运动,它的胜利使得美国对酒品销售实行控制的州减少到17个,此前几年弗吉尼亚州和爱荷华州均取消了对酒类销售的限制。

  Opponents will not give up without a fight. They wield studies that point to increases inconsumption and car accidents after laws are loosened. But nowhere is liberalisation resistedmore staunchly than in Mormon-dominated Utah, where even strong beer has to be soldthrough publicly owned stores. Its restrictive distribution system is under the spotlight thanksto an ongoing bid-rigging scandal at the state-run alcohol monopoly. But the forces arrayedagainst reform are strong, including the speaker of the state Senate and anti-drink-drivingpressure groups. The odds of privatisation are a small fraction of those of seeing a Mormonin the White House, sighs one lawmaker.


  Worse, Utahs famously tough and complicated rules on the way drinks are stored and servedin bars and restaurants have been growing more restrictive, not less so. The shackles hadloosened a bit during the governorship of Jon Huntsman, whose administration worried thatjokes about being slower than Salt Lake City on a Saturday night were a turn-off to party-minded skiers . Bars no longer had to setthemselves up as private clubs that charged would-be drinkers membership fees, for instance.After Mr Huntsman left to become Barack Obamas ambassador to China, however, thereactionaries regained the initiative.


  Under one new law, restaurants opened after January 2010, even those that serve nothingmore potent than beer, have to erect a barrier along the length of the bar that shields under-age punters from the sight of drinks being stored or poured. These walls, often made offrosted glass, are known locally as Zion curtains. These establishments beer sales cannotexceed 30% of their total revenue. The same law bans all-day discounts on drinks, introducedby many bars in recent years to get around the ban on happy hours. Doubles have long beenillegal. Licensed restaurants must use ID scanners on customers who look younger than 35.


  Bars and restaurants are regularly tripped up by a strict quota system for new licences, whichis based on Utahs population growth. A number of places that had been awarded permits forall types of alcohol had them taken away in October because the increase in headcount wasbelow projections. These can now serve only beer that is 3.2% or less alcohol. To cap it all,pubs and eateries have to pay the same 80-90% markup for their booze as consumers do inthe state-run stores. With so many hoops to jump through and extra costs to absorb, it is nowonder that some chains are slowing their expansion in the state or choosing to focuselsewhere. As the souvenir shot glasses say: Eat, drink and be merrytomorrow you may bein Utah.

  酒吧和饭店经常被严格的配额制度所限制,随着犹他州人口数量的不断增长他们不得不重新申请领的经销许可证。十月份将有很多地方的酒类经营许可证将会被收回,因为人口增长量低于许可证的颁发量。这些地方后现在只能出售度数不高于3.2的酒,白酒甚至更低。最糟的是,这些酒吧和餐厅必须和在国营商店里购买酒类的消费者一样支付比原价高80%到90%的金额。有这么多的 火圈要钻,有这么多的额外支出需要去支付,难怪酒类运营商纷纷放慢了他们在犹他州扩展的步伐转而投资其他地区。就像是一个纪念杯子上镌刻的文字一样 尽情吃喝, 开怀畅饮吧明天到了犹他州,就没机会了



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