American veterans
A hard homecoming
Budget battles and a stagnant economy greetAmericas soldiers as they return from Iraq andAfghanistan
BRETT QUINZON did two tours in Iraq before leavingactive duty in May. Originally from Minnesota, MrQuinzon now lives in Thomaston, a small town around 65 miles south of Atlanta. A greyDecember morning found him filling out forms in Atlantas large veterans hospital, seekingtreatment for depression. Since returning from Iraq, he says he has more anger issues, andfinds himself more watchful and on-guard in public situations than he was before he deployed.That is not unusual: many soldiers return from the battlefield with psychological scars.Between January and May, as he prepared to leave active duty, Mr Quinzon applied for hundredsof jobs. The search proved difficult: like many veterans, he enlisted right after high-school, andlacks a college degree. But persistence paid off. He is now an apprentice at a heating and air-conditioning company, and is being trained as a heavy-equipment operator.
Not all recent veterans are so lucky. Around 800,000 veterans are jobless, 1.4m live below thepoverty line, and one in every three homeless adult men in America is a veteran. Though theoverall unemployment rate among Americas 21m veterans in November was lowerthan the national rate , for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan it was 11.1%. And forveterans between the ages of 18 and 24, it was a staggering 37.9%, up from 30.4% just amonth earlier.
If demography is indeed destiny, perhaps this figure should not be surprising. More soldiersare male than female, and the male jobless rate exceeds womens. Since so many soldiers lack acollege degree, the fact that the recession has been particularly hard on the less educated hitsveterans disproportionately. Large numbers of young veterans workor workedin strickenindustries such as manufacturing and construction. Whatever the cause, this bleak trend isoccurring as the last American troops leave Iraq at the end of this year, and as more than 1mnew veterans are expected to join the civilian labour force over the next four years.
And of course it is also occurring in fiscally straitened times, though it looks as though this willaffect veterans services less than other parts of the federal government. Though there havebeen some small fee increases for veterans covered by Tricare, the military health-insuranceprogramme, significant cuts to veterans benefits are unlikely, and for good reason. Militarypay is far from generous, and the benefits are comprehensive but hardly gold-plated or easyto navigate. Not for nothing is a popular online forum for veterans wending their way throughthe bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs called
尽管看上去预算紧缺对联邦政府其它项目的影响要大于对退役士兵所享服务的影响,但随着大量劳动力的涌入,伴随而来的还有预算紧张。虽然对于加入军队健康保险计划Tricare的退役士兵来,支付费用有小幅上调,但大幅削减退伍士兵的待遇是不可能的。说起来军队待遇远说不上慷慨,各种津贴林林总总,但数额都不大,得到也绝非易事。为津贴是一个热门在线论坛,帮助退役士兵如何在退伍士兵事务部办理各项事宜。该网站叫 HadIt.com不是没有原因的。
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