One nation overdrawn
Lessons for Europe from Americas history
IN THE frantic race to save the euro, manyEuropeans have sought inspiration from the UnitedStates, perhaps the most successful monetaryunion in history. Germanys council of economicexperts has proposed a debt redemption pactmodelled on the American federal governmentsassumption of state debts in 1790. To Europeanfederalists, America demonstrates that monetary union cannot survive without fiscal union.And proponents of a European lender of last resort to insulate sovereigns from liquiditycrises note how America can still borrow at 2% thanks to a deep and liquid government bondmarket backstopped by the Federal Reserve.
在拯救欧元的燃眉时刻,很多欧洲人试图从美国经验中寻找启示,因为美国的货币联盟大概是历史上最成功的了。德国的经济专家委员会最近提出的债务救赎协议, 就是以1790年美国联邦政府承担州政府债务的行动为范本的。在欧洲的联邦主义者看来,美国历史已经证明,没有财政联盟的支持,货币联盟不可能独立存在。为了避免主权基金发生流动性危机,一些人士认为,应当有一个统一的欧洲债权人作为最终保障。他们注意到,正是由于美国存在着一个由联邦储备作后盾的丰富并流动性高的公债市场,政府才能仍以2%的低利率借贷。
Look more carefully, however, and the American example is more complicated. Fiscal andcurrency union did indeed kick-start Americas early economic development. But fiscal andmonetary frameworks were so rudimentary that they contributed little to nation-building.
America began life as a fiscal basket-case. The federal and state governments were deeply inarrears on loans taken out to finance their war for independence from Britain; federal debttraded at 50 cents on the dollar, state debt for 20 cents or less. Alexander Hamilton, the firstTreasury secretary, considered it vital to Americas economic health to re-establish faith in thenational credit. He proposed in 1790 that the federal government assume the states wardebts and then arrange a new schedule of payments and interest to refinance all of therepublics unpaid bills. Holders of the restructured bonds would be encouraged to exchangethem for capital in a new central bank that would issue a uniform currency to unify the statesfinancial systems.
建国初期,美国的财政状况非常困顿。为筹措资金支撑脱离英国的独立战争,联邦和州政府都承受着沉重的债务负担。联邦债券只能以面值的一半价格出售,而州政府债券只能以20%甚或更低价格出售。因此,美国第一任财长亚历山大?汉密尔顿认为,重振人们对国债的信心,对美国经济的健康发展至关重要。于是他在 1790年提出,由联邦政府承担州政府的所有战争欠款,并安排新的还本付息计划,为全国所有未偿付债务进行再融资。政府鼓励新公债持有人到新的中央银行把手中公债兑换为现金,而中央银行将发行单一货币以统一各州的财政系统。
Foreshadowing the rifts within Europe today, Hamiltons plan was deeply divisive. Virginia andother southern states that had paid off their debts resented being asked to pay taxes to bailout the others. Hamilton at one point feared for the future of the union if his plan did not pass: Our credit will burst and vanish; and the States separate, to take care every one of itself.
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