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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  SINCE the 2010 mid-term elections, tea partyRepublicans have enjoyed influence out ofproportion to their numbers. They forced BarackObama and congressional Democrats to acceptspending cuts without any tax increases to keep thegovernment from shutting down in April, 2011, andfrom defaulting on its bills in August.

  自2010年中期选举以来, 茶党共和党人享有了与其人数不相符的强大影响力。在他们的坚持下,总统奥巴马和民主党国会议员被迫在去年四月和八月间,在不增加任何税收的前提下消减开支,以免联邦政府停摆,避免债务毁约。

  This intransigence, however, backfired rather spectacularly just before Christmas whenJohn Boehner, the speaker of the House of Representatives, was forced to reverse his earlierposition and agree to an extension of a two-percentage-point cut in the payroll tax and tothe payment of unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks.

  但就在圣诞节前夕,茶党成员这种绝不妥协的态度却弄巧成拙,不得不狼狈收场。众议院议长约翰. 博纳被迫更改初衷,同意延长对工资税消减百分之二的法案。延长让失业者可以在最多99周内领取津贴的政策。

  Both measures, previously agreed to as a form of temporary stimulus, were due to expireat the end of the year. Mr Obama and Republican leaders had earlier agreed to extend bothfor one more year, but not on how to pay for them. To buy more negotiating time,Democratic and Republican leaders in the Senate agreed to extend the two measures for twomore months.


  In the House, however, tea-party members revolted. Some said that setting tax policy forjust two months was silly, others claimed that stimulus does not work anyway, and yet otherswarned of threats to pensions, which are funded by the payroll tax. Democratswasted no time in claiming that the Republicans were holding 160m workers hostage toextremists. Under intense pressure from fellow Republicans in the Senate and in thepresidential campaign, Mr Boehner finally relented. The measure passed on December 23rdwithout so much as a roll-call vote.


  The deal lifts, if only for a couple of months, one shadow over the economy and thus MrObamas re-election prospects. Recent data have shown the economy to be perking upnotably in the fourth quarter; it may have grown 3.6% in the period, reckonsMacroeconomic Advisers, a consultancy. That would be the fastest rate since mid-2010. If thetwo measures, worth roughly 1% of GDP, had expired, the economy could have relapsed in2012.




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