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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  FOR four years New York was adrift. When EliotSpitzer, a crusading lawyer, became governor in2007, his uncompromising ways caused politicalgridlock in Albany, the state capital. Just over ayear later, he was caught frolicking with aprostitute and resigned. His successor, DavidPaterson, was affable enough, but too weak topush the state legislature to balance the books.When Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat like hispredecessors, handily won the 2010 governorsrace on a promise to rebuild the government,restore competence, restore trust, [and] get the people of this state believing once again,New Yorkers gave a cynical snort.


  But Mr Cuomo has had an extraordinary year. In the first six months of his term he couldpoint to three historic achievements. First, he balanced the budget: not only bringingspending under controlfilling a $10 billion hole and nudging the public-sector unions tomake concessions worth $450mbut putting mechanisms in place to control spending infuture. He even got the cantankerous legislature to agree. In June Mr Cuomo brought in acap on property taxes, in a state which the Tax Foundation ranks as the sixth-most-taxed inthe country. Robert Ward of the Rockefeller Institute called it the biggest change in NewYorks fiscal policy since the creation of Medicaid, almost 50 years ago.

  但科莫继任一年来,政绩斐然,任期前半年便取得三大有历史意义的成就。首先,他平衡了纽约的财政收支,填补了100亿美元的财政漏洞,并促使公共机构的工会做出了4.5亿美元的让步。此举不仅使当前的财政花销得到控制,而且使相关部门机构各司其职,以控制今后的花销。更为难得的是,他甚至征得了一向刁钻苛刻的立法机构的同意。六月,科莫引入财产税上限政策,此前按税务基金会的统计,纽约州的税收排名全国第六。洛克菲勒政府研究所副所长罗伯特?沃德称此项政策为继50年前创立医疗补助计划 后,纽约财政政策的巨变。

  Then, also in June, Mr Cuomo signed a bill legalising same-sex marriage, having worked hardto drive the bill through the Republican-controlled state Senate. In December he gotbipartisan backing to change the income-tax code, which he says will generate $1.9 billionin additional revenue for the state. It sets in place the lowest tax rate for the middle class in58 years, whileaccording to Mr Cuomos opponents and the Manhattan Instituteleavingthe tax burden on the richest at its highest level since 1986.


  Still, most New Yorkers are not upset with him. Indeed, they rate him very highly. He learntmuch about Albany politics at the knee of his father, Mario, a former governor. He is cleverand determined. His most noticeable flaw is his arrogance, which he has tried to keep incheck, but which slipped out in November when he remarked: I am the government.


  In that case, his cockiness was accurate. There is not much transparency in how he isgetting the results, notes Gerald Benjamin of the State University of New York at New Paltz.Disappointingly, it is still three men in a room making all the decisions.




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