AMERICAN manufacturers complain that Chinaundervalues its exchange rate. But which one? Thenominal exchange rate is now 6.67 Yuan to thedollar, having strengthened by almost 2% sinceSeptember 5th and by24% since 2005.
But Chinas real exchange rate with America has strengthened by almost 50% since 2005,according to calculations by The Economist . A real exchange rate takes accountof price movements in each country. If prices rise faster in China than in America, Chinasreal exchange rate goes up, even if its nominal exchange rate stays the same. Thatsbecause higher prices at home make Chinas firms less competitive abroad, just as if theircurrency had gone up.
To calculate the real exchange rate, you need a gauge of prices in each country. Manyeconomists use the consumer-price index . But the CPI contains lots of goods andservices that cannot be traded across borders. Our measure of thereal exchange rate, which we will regularly update, offers a more direct measure ofcompetitiveness by looking instead at unit labour costs: the price of labour per widget.These costs go up when wages rise or productivity falls. In Americanmanufacturing, unit labour costs have risen by less than 4% since the first quarter of 2005,according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics. In Chinese industry they have risen by 25% overthat period, according to our sums.
Those estimates are rough and ready. There are no official statistics on Chinas unit labourcosts. Our calculations are based on the value-added in industry and the wage bill of urban factories, which does not count the town andvillage enterprises that employ over two-thirds of Chinas metal-bashers. But the urbanplants probably churn out a big share of the goodies that America buys.
The combination of a 24% rise in the Yuan against the dollar and a 21% increase in Chineseunit labour costs, relative to Americas, explains the steep appreciation shown in the chart.The Yuan may well still be undervalued but our index suggests American manufacturingshould have less to fear from Chinese competition than it did five years ago. Until June 2009appreciation was largely because of the stronger Yuan. Since then it is largely becauseChinas unit labour costs have grown much faster than Americas. Employers in Chinascoastal factories have suffered labour shortages and strikes. Americas factories havereported strong productivity gains as they have wrung more out of the workers thatsurvived the recession .
人民币对美元升值24%和中国的单位劳动力成本相对美国增加21%相结合解释了图表中人民币-美元汇率的大幅升值。人民币币值可能仍然被低估,但是我们的指数表明,与5年前相比,美国的制造商不应该那么担心中国的竞争了。 2009年6月前,汇率上升主要是人民币升值造成的。此后,主要是因为中国单位劳动力成本的增长速度比美国快得多。中国沿海工厂的雇主遭受了用工荒和罢工。美国工厂称,由于它们从挺过经济衰退的工人那里获得了更多东西,生产率大幅提高。
Of course, China and America do not trade only with each other. Chinas big surpluses andAmericas big deficits depend on the real exchange rate between them and all of theirtrading partners. But calculating that would require timely estimates of unit labour costs forall of Chinas trading partners. That is a bit too laborious.
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