Nancy Wake
Nancy Wakesaboteur and special agent, diedon August 7th, aged 98.
Convivial, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up acocktail bar. In the late 1940s, and again towards the end of her life, it might have been theAmerican Bar of the Stafford Hotel, just across the road from The Economists offices inLondon. In 1940, when she was living as a newlywed in Vichy France, it could have beenanother American Bar, this one in the H?tel du Louvre et de la Paix in Marseilles. It was achance encounter here with an English officer, interned by the French authorities but thatday on parole, which led to her membership of the resistance, and then to her role as anagent of the British Special Operations Executive in occupied France. Of the 39 SOE womeninfiltrated into France, 11 of whom would die in concentration camps, she was perhaps themost redoubtable.
热衷于聚会派对,从不拒绝美酒的南希威克经常出现在鸡尾酒会。到她生命的最后一段时光也是如此,可能她就出现在伦敦《经济学家》杂志社办公大楼对面的斯塔福耶酒店的美国酒馆。上世纪40年代时亦是如此,1940年她刚刚结婚,嫁到维希政权下的法国,那时她经常出现在另一家美国酒馆,在巴黎卢浮旅馆里或者在马赛和平旅馆里。在那里,她很偶然地碰到一位被法国当局保释的在囚英国军官。 这位军官后来带领她加入了抵抗德国纳粹的运动中,也使她成为了英国特别行动处驻占领的法国的一位特工。而在特别行动处39位渗入法国的女特工中,11名没有在德国纳粹集中营中丧生,而她也许是其中最令人敬畏的那个。
From her earliest days, Miss Wake combined opposing qualities. She was disciplined,but at the same time a free spirit. In Sydney, to which her large family had moved afterleaving her birthplace in New Zealand, she twice ran away from home. As soon as she could,she made her way to London, then to Paris to work as a freelance journalist. There it was hercheerful independence as much as her good looks that caught the eye of the rich Frenchindustrialist, Henri Fiocca, who would take her to Marseilles as his wife.
She enjoyed her new life of luxury while it lasted, but she was no flibbertigibbet. Soonafter meeting the interned British officer, she was helping to get similar Allied airmen,refugees and escaped prisoners-of-war out of occupied France and into Britain. She took aflat, ostensibly for a lover, in fact for the resistance, sheltered men on the run and becamea crucial part of the southern escape line to Spain, travelling all over southern France fromNice to Names to Perpignan, with clothing, money and false documents.
Inevitably, she was arrested. Beaten up and questioned for four days, she revealednothing. It was this steadiness and loyalty to her comrades that most appealed to theBritish officers who later agreed to train her to become an SOE agent.
Other qualities were evident by then. Her femininity was never in doubt. It helped herescape capture, not just because she could on occasion flirt her way out of trouble, but alsobecause her Gestapo pursuers assumed any woman as skilful in evading them must be abutch matron . When she was with the Maquis, silk stockings and Elizabeth Arden face cream wereoften dropped for her by parachute, along with Sten guns, radios and grenades. Yet sheconformed to no stereotype, swearing in the vernacular in the coarsest of terms, living formonths in the woods and fighting, in the words of a confrre, not like a man but like fivemen.
那时她的其它优秀品质也已经非常明显。她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。这帮助她成功逃离拘捕,并不只是因为他能偶尔靠美人计脱险,还因为她的那些盖世太保追求者们认为任何擅长回避他们追求的人必定是个男人婆 。 在法国抗德游击队工作那会儿,组织经常空降丝袜、伊莉莎白雅顿的面霜,以及斯特恩式轻机关枪、收音机和手榴弹给她。然而,她绝不是一般的女人。她可以用最脏的法国方言骂人,她也可以在茂林作战数月。用一位同事的话说,她根本不像一个男人,她像五个男人。
Her fearlessness seemed to come from a total lack of self-doubt. The certainty withwhich she held her beliefsshe hated the Nazis, having seen them whipping Jews in Viennabefore the war, loved France and was intensely loyal to Britainfreed her of any sense ofguilt. This in turn enabled her to act as though she were utterly innocent, even whenclaiming to be the cousin of an imprisoned Scottish captain, or chatting to a Gestapo officerwith 200lb of illegal pork in her suitcase.
It was sheer guts, though, that got her over the Pyrenees in her espradilles when theGermans were at her heels. And back in Britain in 1943 it was her character rather than herskills or physical abilities that got her through her training in grenade throwing, silent killingand parachute jumping. As for violence, she hated ituntil she became hardened.
That began in April 1944, when Captain Wake and another SOE agentwere parachuted into the Auvergne in south-central France. Their immediate job was towork with the local Maquis to cause as much disruption as possible before D-day five weekslater. Now the fighting began, and Captain Wake showed herself more than willing to takepart, readily joining raiding parties, blowing up local Gestapo headquarters and ambushingGerman patrols.
She did not enjoy killing a German sentry with her bare hands, but she wasunsentimental. Likewise, she saw the necessity of killing a German woman captured bysome of her Maquis colleagues who admitted to being a spy. Though she had been raped andtortured, Captain Wake ordered her to be shotor, if the captains later suggestion is to bebelieved, she herself shot her, since the Maquisards sense of honour permitted her rape butnot her killing.
In spite of such horrors, and in spite of such feats as bicycling over 500km in under 72hours to find a radio operator, Captain Wake was having the time of her life. She was stillonly 26, a woman among 7,000 admiring men, carrying out daily acts of derring-doand revelling in a job she had plainly been born for. Although she lived with the constantpossibility of capture, it held no fear for her, and she did not yet know that her husband,rather than betray her, had been arrested by the Gestapo, tortured and killed. Decorationsgalorefrom Britain, France, America and Australiaawaited her, but life would never be asgood again.
尽管经历着类似的恐怖事件,尽管曾经有过许多惊人壮举,比如为寻找一个收音机操作员72小时内骑车500公里,威克上尉依然享受着女人生命的黄金时光。她毕业是个26岁的年轻女性,军营中的 7000男人大多都是她的倾慕者。在这群男人中,每天英勇地执行任务,完全陶醉于这一她天生注定要从事的工作。尽管随时都有可能被捕,她却从不害怕。那时她还不知道,她的丈夫并不是背叛了她,而是被盖世太保抓了起来,折磨致死。战争结束后,各种荣誉从英国、法国、美国和澳大利亚向她涌来,但她生命最美好的时光已一去不返。
上一篇: 2015考研英语阅读沙滩上的爱因斯坦
下一篇: 2015考研英语阅读这片儿我说了算
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