The risks of global worming
Widespread use of anti-parasite drugs is reducingtheir value
Safely grazing?
FOR decades, the overuse of antibiotics has encouraged the evolution of drug-resistantbacteria which, though they have never broken out and caused an epidemic in the way thatwas once feared, have nevertheless been responsible for many deaths that might otherwisehave been avoided. Now something similar seems to be happening in agriculture. Theoveruse of drugs against parasitic worms which infest stock animals means that these, too,are becoming drug-resistant. That is bad for the animals health and welfare, and equallybad for farmers profits.
This, at least, is the conclusion drawn by Ray Kaplan, a parasitologist at the University ofGeorgia who has just published a review of research on the problem. His results, whichappear in Veterinary Parasitology, make grim reading.
Sheep and goats are the worst affected. Studies in Australia, Brazil and the United Statessuggest that animals in half or more of farms in many parts of those countries are infestedwith drug-resistant worms. In some cases the parasites are resistant to every drug thatcan be thrown at them. The proportion of infested farms is lower in New Zealand, a countrythat has a huge population of sheep, but even there it is rising at a worrying rate.
Cattle, too, are afflicted. Dr Kaplan cites work done in Argentina, Brazil and New Zealand.And horses suffer as well, with resistant worms turning up in both America and Europe.
The root of the problem is what Dr Kaplan refers to as global worming -giving drugsprophylactically to all livestock rather than reserving them for use as a treatment when ananimal actually becomes infested. It is common sense, of course, to try to preventinfestation rather than merely treating it once it has arisen.
问题的根源是卡普兰博士称为 全球防虫 的现象预防性地对所有家畜用药,而不是在动物身上真正出现了寄生虫时投药治疗。当然,防病胜于治病是常识。
Unfortunately, such promiscuous use of drugs is the best way to put selection pressure onthe worms and encourage the evolution of resistant strains.
What is needed, says Dr Kaplan, is more selective drug use, and better management.Worms are not evenly distributed. Instead, a minority of animals play host to most of them.Aiming treatment at those animals would reduce the likelihood of resistance emergingwithout harming a farmer s ability to control infestations. Better husbandry might help, too.Not grazing so many animals on a given patch of land would discourage transmission.
That, though, would bring problems of its own, as it would reduce the number of animalswhich could be raised on a given farm. Which leads to the nub of the issue: it is hard to workout exactly how much damage resistant worms are doing, and thus how much effort shouldbe put into trying to stop the spread of resistance-not least because, as Dr Kaplan foundout when he conducted his survey, the data are pretty sporadic. But they are worryingenough to be worth following up, for if resistance did get out of hand the consequences couldbe very expensive indeed.
No one farmer is to blame. This is a tragedy of the commons, in which sensible individualdecisions have led to a collective difficulty. But it might behove farmers to think more abouthow they use anti-worm drugs. If they do not, they may find that those drugs have becomeuseless.
无法就此责备某个农民。这是一个公地悲剧 [注],许多明智的个人决定导致了群体的困难。但或许农民们有责任多想想他们应该如何使用抗寄生虫药物。如果放弃这一责任,他们或许有一天会发现这些药物变得全然无用。
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