To dye for
A new type of cell may bring solar energy indoors.
一种新型电池有望将 太阳能 引进室内。
THE phrase indoor solar power sounds like an oxymoron. But there is growing interest inthe idea of using photoelectric cells to run gadgets as well as power grids-and doing so evenwhen those gadgets are inside buildings. Much of the light these cells used would, ofnecessity, come from incandescent bulbs, fluorescent tubes and light-emitting diodes rather than through the window from the sun. But if the right sorts of cells were availablethis could be cheaper than constantly replacing the batteries that currently power electronicgizmos.
室内太阳能 这词听着像个冤亲词。但是人们却对利用光电池为电子产品及电网供电这个想法兴趣渐浓。当然,这种电池所用的光大部分来自白炽灯、荧光灯及LED灯,而非透过窗户照进来的阳光。若有适合的光电池能替代目前电子产品所用的要经常更换的电池,那用电成本将会降低。
On April 8th G24 Innovations, a firm based in Wales, announced that it may have come upwith just such a cell. The latest version of its special, dye-based photoelectric devices has seta new record for the conversion of light from bulbs into electricity: an efficiency of 26%,compared with the 15% which previous ones can manage. That lifts dye-based cells to thepoint where they might be widely deployable for indoor power.
Dye-based cells are similar to the silicon-based variety found on rooftops around the worldin that both rely on a semiconductor to assist the conversion of luminous energy into theelectrical sort. The difference is that in the case of silicon cells, this conversion happensdirectly. That means the frequency of light absorbed is constrained by the physicalproperties of silicon itself.
In the case of dye-based cells, which were invented at the Federal Polytechnic School ofLausanne, in Switzerland, in the 1990s, the light is first captured by molecules of aphotosensitive dye. Tinker with the composition of this dye and you change the frequencyof light that can be captured. This makes dye-based cells more flexible than silicon ones.
The dye molecules themselves are bound to tiny particles of titanium dioxide, a less-famous semiconductor than silicon, and the whole assembly is immersed in anelectrolyte and sandwiched between two electrodes. When a photon of light is absorbed by adye molecule, an electron is knocked into the titanium dioxide. From there it travels to oneof the electrodes and a current is thus generated.
The flexibility brought by the dye-based approach makes this sort of cell particularly usefulindoors. Silicon-based solar cells have been optimised for sunlight. But artificial light,whether of the incandescent, fluorescent or LED variety, contains a different mixture offrequencies from that put out by the sun. By changing the composition of the dye, G24 sengineers ensure that the maximum sensitivity of the cell coincides with whateverfrequency mix is appropriate for the artificial light concerned.
Besides being tweakable to match the spectrum of a light-bulb, dye-based cells also workwell in dim or diffuse light of the sort often found indoors. Silicon-based systems do not. Anddye-based cells, having no rigid parts, can bend, and are mechanically robust comparedwith the silicon sort. That gives them a further advantage over silicon cells, especially forpowering consumer gadgets.
Steven Burt, G24 s chief financial officer, talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls,smoke detectors and computer keyboards. The company already offers prototypes of bags andjackets with photosensitive panels woven in, designed to charge digital cameras and mobilephones, and a hotel in Las Vegas is using G24 s products to run its electric window-blinds. MrBurt also sees a market for powering the networks of sensors needed to monitor things liketemperature and humidity in modern smart buildings.
G24的财务总监史蒂芬?伯特谈到了用灯泡供电的电视遥控器、烟雾探测器和电脑键盘。该公司已推出内部装有光敏电池板的夹克和背包样品,用来为数码相机和手机充电。现在,拉斯维加斯的一家酒店使用了G24的产品来为其电动百叶窗供电。史蒂芬?伯特还认为染料电池在为现代 智能 建筑中的传感器网络供电方面很有市场。
Eventually, says Mr Burt, the ability of dye-based cells to produce useful quantities of powereven in dim and diffuse light could see them used outside, perhaps on rooftops in cloudierparts of the world-a market at present dominated by traditional, silicon-based cells, eventhough they are not well-suited to the purpose. But for now, G24 s factory in Cardiff, not acity known for its sunshine, remains powered by a wind turbine.
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