A history of mapmaking;Views of the world
There is no such thing as an objective map;
A History of the World in Twelve Maps. By JerryBrotton.
Around 150AD an astronomer named Claudius Ptolemy wrote a book about how to make aproper map of the world. Penned in Greek on a papyrus scroll, the work, known as theGeography, is one of the most famous ancient texts on the science of mapmaking. It placedthe job firmly in the domain of the geographer, who could use astronomy and mathematicsto calculate from the stars what the world looked like below.
公元 150年前后,一位名叫克劳狄斯托勒密的天文学家写了一本关于如何恰当绘制世界地图的书。该书用希腊文书写在一卷莎草上,这部被称为《地理学》的著作是地图制图学方面最著名的古文献之一。该书毫不含糊地将这项工作归于地理学家范畴,因为地理学家可以使用天文学和数学知识推测从星球上观测下面的地球是什么样子。
Ptolemy s Geography was an attempt to take myths out of maps. It recommended usinggeometric lines of latitude and longitude to convey a three-dimensional Earth on a two-dimensional surface, and it included the co-ordinates of over 8,000 locations in the ancientworld. Whether Ptolemy drew his own maps is unclear. The Geography disappeared for athousand years, only for an unoriginal copy to appear in the 13th century, replete withcoloured maps drawn by Byzantine scribes. Regardless, these geographic drawings and allother maps based on scientific calculation are his legacy.
But as Jerry Brotton explains in A History of the World in Twelve Maps, Ptolemy s scientificinfluence tells only part of the story. Mapmakers operate in environments of subjectiveknowledge. Their work is influenced by politics and patrons, regional assumptions andreligious beliefs, all of which jostles with the science in determining what a map looks like andwhat it is used for. Mapmakers may be geographers and cartographers, but they can also beartists and imperialists, storytellers and propagandists.
Mr Brotton, a professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary University of London,examines the complexity of mapmaking through the stories of 12 maps, which stretchacross space and over time. The examples are impressively varied, from Ptolemy s toils toGoogle Earth, and include some lesser-known Islamic and East Asian works. Despite theirdifferences, these maps enjoy some intriguing similarities, largely for the way theyillustrate the priorities of their authors.
The medieval Mappa Mundi in England s Hereford cathedral, for example, is little more thandrawings on vellum, or stretched calfskin, and it lacks Ptolemy s geometric method. Yet it is abeautifully detailed map of the Christian world, based on the topography of the Biblebewildering to the geographer, but sensible to people of faith. Oriented east, Jerusalemsits at the centre. Britain clings insignificantly to the edge.
Time would change this view of the world in the eyes of British mapmakers. By the 19thcentury maps often placed the British Isles at the core. One such map in the book features aview of the globe with Britain and the North Atlantic in the centre to better portray theempire s sea power; Australia and half of South America are left off. Many of these maps, likethose of the Spanish and Portuguese imperialists of the 16th century, did more to illustratedominance and ambition than to improve cartographical practice.
Even now, when mapmakers have access to tools such as satellite images, there is still noobjective and universally accepted map, argues Mr Brotton. The idea of the world may becommon to all societies; but different societies have very distinct ideas of the world and howit should be represented. The author reckons that Google Earth and other digital mappingapplications are just as vulnerable as their predecessors to national priorities and culturalnorms. These maps can be cluttered with links to commercial enterprises and are subject tocensorship. At their most penetrating, they raise questions of privacy.
Though he sets out to examine a mere 12 maps, Mr Brotton cannot help but give dozensmore at least a passing mention. Ironically, this can be disorienting. Still, there is much togain from this rich if overly detailed book. As the products of both art and science, maps areoften fascinating interpretations of the perceived world. They are about data and spatialawareness, but also about money, empire and discovery. They tend to reveal more aboutthe mapmakers than the lands they chronicle. Mr Brotton may fall short of providing thepromised history of the world, but he offers plenty of good reasons to see old maps aswindows to lost times.
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