The worldeconomy;Mountains to climb
August was a nerve-racking month for the worldeconomy. September and October will be no better
Central bankers are not known for seeking solacein the heavens. But at their annual symposium inJackson Hole, organised by the Federal ReserveBank of Kansas City, the worlds leading monetarymavens could be found, after dinner, peering enthusiastically into telescopes set up by thelocal astronomy club. As he spied the M82 galaxy, 12m light-years away, one centralbanker remarked: That puts our problems into perspective.
On the ground, though, those problems are as big as ever. Christine Lagarde, the newmanaging director of the IMF, voiced a collective sentiment when she said the worldeconomy found itself in a dangerous new phase. Things could get riskier still in the comingweeks.
In America, the worry is dashed expectations. The Federal Reserves policy-settingcommittee next meets on September 20th and 21st and has scheduled an extra daysdiscussion on its arsenal of unconventional monetary weapons. Wall Street hopes it willmark the onset of QE3, another big bout of bond-buying. The mood in Jackson Holesuggested that any action will be modest and incremental.
Many central bankers, including Ben Bernanke, the Feds chairman, think it is time for fiscalpolicy to do more. He gave Congress a scolding at Jackson Hole, arguing that politicians needto address the medium-term fiscal mess while leaving room to cushion the economy now.Barack Obama is working on a jobs plan but the chances of a political rapprochement onissues like Americas payroll-tax cut, due to expire soon, remain uncertain. No deal impliessharply tighter fiscal policy.
Far more serious danger lies in Europe. Policymakers there put great faith in an agreementthey struck on July 21st, which promised more money for Greece as well as more resourcesand a broader remit for the European Financial Stability Facility . That expanded role isdue to be ratified by euro-zone parliaments in the next few weeks. The European CentralBank regards its recent decision to buy Spanish and Italian bonds as a stopgap untilthe expanded EFSF is up and running.
But three shadows hang over the EFSF. First, the political timetable for its ratification couldslip. Potential causes include Finnish demands for collateral against its contribution to theGreek bail-out and a vote by Germanys constitutional court, due on September 7th, on thelegality of the rescue package .
Second, there is growing confusion about what the revamped rescue fund should do.Europes central bankers are desperate for it to take over the bond-buying duties if marketsstay skittish over Italy and Spain. Ms Lagarde is pushing another priority. She thinksEuropes banks urgently need more capital to cut the chains of contagion and wants amandatory recapitalisation, using public funds if necessary and the EFSF in particular. Ineffect, the IMF wants a repeat of what Americas Treasury did in 2008, when it bullied bigbanks into taking capital injections.
Many Europeans were furious at Ms Lagardes comments, denying any serious capitalshortage and arguing instead that if there is a problem, it is one of attracting funding fromskittish wholesale markets. Jean-Claude Trichet, the ECBs president, tried to damp downeven that concern, pointing out that banks could tap unlimited liquidity at the ECB and thatthey had ample collateral left to post in return.
Mr Trichet is right, but only up to a point. The sheer scale of European banks funding needs is daunting: an ideafrom Morgan Stanley, to use the EFSF to offer European guarantees on new bank debt, hasgained traction recently. And illiquidity is a symptom of concerns about solvency. So MsLagarde is right that strengthening banks buffers is important. The July stress tests, whichdid not allow for sovereign defaults, offer scant guidance. Using the market price ofsovereign bonds, the IMF thinks that European banks could have unrecognised losses ofEuro200 billion, meaning lots more capital would be needed. The EFSF is one sensiblesource.
The third and biggest reason to worry is that the EFSF is too small. The fund is beingincreased to Euro440 billion. But subtract the money already committed to bail-outs aswell as the extra Greece might need if voluntary private debt-restructuring falls short , and only around Euro 200 billion may be left. At the ECBs current pace ofbond-buying , that will not last long, especially if some isalso set aside for banks.
European politicians are unlikely to cough up more, so much discussion behind the scenes isabout how to lever up the rescue facility. Daniel Gros of the Centre for European PolicyStudies and Thomas Mayer of Deutsche Bank think the EFSF should be registered as a bankand allowed to borrow from the ECB, using the government bonds it buys as collateral. Thatkind of arms-length arrangement, they argue, would be much better than having the ECBbuy bonds itself, and would give the EFSF huge firepower. Conservative central bankersworry that it would still break the rule that bans direct purchases by the ECB, in spirit at least.
An alternative, quietly touted by some North American officials, is to tempt investors intobuying bonds by giving them access to non-recourse loans from the ECB. The model isanother American innovation from the financial crisisthe Term Asset-Backed SecuritiesLoan Facility, or TALF. Soft loans from the Fed were designed to tempt investors into buyingsecurities; the Treasury promised to take the first tranche of any losses, thus protecting theFed. In a European version, cheap, non-recourse loans would encourage investors to buyItalian or Spanish bonds and bring down yields. The ECB would provide leverage, but anyinitial losses would be borne by the EFSF. The facilitys resources would be magnified,private investors would be drawn in and the price of bonds would still be set by the market.
Dusting off Americas crisis-management ideas makes sense: they were effective. ButEuropes task is far harder, not just because there are many more parties involved butbecause the end goal is so unclear. American officials were battling the temporary collapseof a financial system. European politicians need to create a new one, either with a moreintegrated fiscal union or a break-up of the current euro area. Without political leadership,the technocrats cannot solve the problem.
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