The Dodd-Frankact;Unhappy birthday to you;
A tiny Texas bank challenges Dodd-Frank;
Call the State National Bank of Big Spring, Texas,and the person answering says the bank is happy tohelp at any of its three locations. Ask forthe chief executive, Jim Purcell, and there is abrief pause to check where, among the 40employees, he might be.
拿起电话,打给德克萨斯州立银行Big Spring,你会听到人工应答,本银行及两所分行的所有工作人员将竭诚为您服务。如果你要找行长吉姆?珀塞尔,电话里会出现短暂的停顿,似乎接线员在40名同事中搜索行长的具体位置。
America still has thousands of these tiny banks. They provide funds and senior managers tocustomers that may be relegated to automated phone-hell at bigger institutions. And, in thecase of Mr Purcell, they bring a willingness to take a public stand against the governmentthat executives at bigger banks generally prefer to take behind closed doors.
现在,仍有成千上万所这样的小型银行活跃在美国。他们甚至为小客户提供资金和资深经理的服务,尽管在一些较大的银行,这些客户可能会沦落到只配享有自动应答机的待遇。像Big Spring这样的银行,珀塞尔先生们非常乐意提供面向大众、平民化的服务。相比之下,较大银行的主管们普遍更喜欢在私密的会客室里提供专业化服务。
July 21st was the second anniversary of the Dodd-Frank act, the massive rewrite ofAmerica s financial system sold as an effort to prevent a repeat of the financial crisis. Thebirthday came just after, in characteristic form, a rule tied to Dodd-Frank for mortgagesimplification was submitted by the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: it runs to 1,099 pages and is packedwith clauses that could limit the availability of credit.
The heads of America s large financial institutions rail privately about the costly andcontradictory demands of the Dodd-Frank act. But their criticism in public is measured, outof fear that it could prompt retribution by regulators or make them fodder for bank-bashingpoliticians. It is better, they say, quietly to lobby for preferential carve-outs, an approachthat may serve their own interests but only adds to the sense of systemic unfairness.
Into this mess has stepped Mr Purcell, who, notwithstanding the size of his institution, has suddenly turned into arather important banker in America. On June 21st his bank became a plaintiff in a legalchallenge brought with two free-market entities in Washington, DC, the CompetitiveEnterprise Institute and the 60 Plus Association, arguing that Dodd-Frank is unconstitutional.
Mr Purcell s business model, common among Texas rural banks, was to keep loans on itsbooks, internalising both their returns and their risks. In practice, this meant making smallloans at relatively high rates with short terms and final balloon payments that are usually rolled over. This approachdiffers radically from that of the major banks, which syndicated mortgages through FannieMae and Freddie Mac. The bank has not repossessed a home in seven years, or costtaxpayers a penny, but balloon payments and high rates are targeted under Dodd-Frank,which grants regulators wide discretion to decide what is abusive. Mr Purcell has stoppedissuing mortgages and, because of other Dodd-Frank rules, processing internationalremittances.
As a consequence, he concludes, some good customers will go to the giant,government-backed banks, and some poorer customers may not get credit at all. Hislawsuit attacks two key entities created by Dodd-Frank, the CFPB and the Financial StabilityOversight Council, a group of government officials which can designate which financialinstitutions are too big to failand thus which will receive government supportwith theattendant benefit of lower funding costs.
Each of the entities was given rights that may infringe on powers vested in at least one of thethree traditional branches of American government, and thus to constitutional checks onpower, according to the plaintiffs. They cite, for example, the method the Obamaadministration used to circumvent Senate approval for the appointment of the head of the CFPB and the technique of funding thebureau through mandated payments by the Fed.
A response by the government could come in August, an initial verdict by the upcomingelection. An eventual appeal to the Supreme Court would not be a surprise. Mr Purcell facesobstacles in his case, but its very existence airs important questions about whether efforts tomake finance safer have gone too far.
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