The hunter and his prey
Henri Cartier-Bresson s photographs are on show inNew York until June 28th;
All it takes to be a photographer, HenriCartier-Bresson once said, is one finger, one eyeand two legs. He visualised photography as a wayof engaging with the world. He quietly stalked hissubjectsBalinese dancers, Mongolian wrestlers, New York bankersuntil that decisivemoment when the right composition filled the frame. It all came so naturally. He rarelyused a light meter or checked his aperture setting, and he seldom took more than a fewshots of a single subject. With the instinct of a hunter, he knew when to click the shutter: Iprowled the streets all day, feeling very strung-up and ready to pounce, determined totrap lifeto preserve life in the act of living.
亨利卡蒂埃布列松曾经说过,成为摄影师的必备条件不过是一根手指、一只眼睛和两条腿。他把摄影设想为接触世界的一种方式。他静静地走近拍摄对象 -巴厘岛的舞者、蒙古摔跤手、纽约银行家-直到合适构图布满取景框的那个决定性瞬间。一切来的自然而然。他很少用曝光表,也不检查光圈,对拍摄对象拍不了几张照片。凭借猎手的直觉,他知道何时按下快门:我整天在大街小巷漫步,觉得兴致勃勃,随时准备抓住机会,决定捕捉生活,在生活行为中珍藏生活。
Born in 1908 in Paris, the eldest son of wealthy cotton-thread manufacturers,Cartier-Bresson had a lusty, rebellious hunger for travel. With a head full of Rimbaud and acopy of Ulysses under his arm, he set off for west Africa in search of adventure. He bought hisfirst Leica in the Cote d Ivoire when he was 23. Light and quiet, the camera had just comeonto the market, and it was a revelation. It fitted into his pocket, along with a few rolls offilm. Nobody took pictures that were better at exploiting the portability of the camera, saysPeter Galassi, the chief curator of photography at the Museum of Modern Art in New York,where Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century is on view.
The show, many years in the making, is drawn primarily from the huge archive of work heldby the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation in Paris, founded a year before he died in 2004.From the thousands available, Mr Galassi has selected 300 images from 1929 to 1989, a fifthof which have never been seen publicly before.
As cameras grew smaller and picture magazines bigger, Cartier-Bresson became aglobe-trotting hired hand. But though he had a knack for being in the right place at the righttimein India at the time of Gandhi s assassination, in China during the CulturalRevolutionhe did not really have a nose for a good scoop. What he excelled at was seeingthings in a different way from most other people.
The visitor is greeted by a wall of four photographs: a crowd of flag-waving, bespectacledNixon-supporters in Texas in 1960 ; a cluster of Chinese youth gawking at a television in Beijing in 1958; a massof French mourners in coats holding hands in 1962; and a group of wizened and rathermenacing old men in Sardinia, lounging in straw-like grass, also in 1962. The juxtaposition ofthese images shows not just Cartier-Bresson s range but also his gift for group portraits.When snapping a spectaclea coronation, say, or a paradehe trained his camera on theunsuspecting bystanders.
The show is divided into sections, starting with some of Cartier-Bresson s most arrestingsurrealist work from the 1930s, such as a sunbather in Trieste, Italy, whose white bodyechoes a sliver of white in the grass, and his self-assured prostitutes in Mexico City. Thencame the war followed byhis career as photojournalist and portrait photographer.
There is much to marvel at, such as the pictures of China in 1948, which capture thephotographer s powerful sense of formal composition. Some of the curator s choices seem abit odd and the written descriptions, which add little, are occasionally heavy-handed. Onesection, for instance, is introduced as Cartier-Bresson s criticism of American vulgarity,greed and racism. But the visitor is left with a remarkable chronicle of the transformationsof the 20th centurythe rise of industrialisation, the fall of colonialism, the spread ofcommercialism and the grand-scale shift in world orderall captured by a lone man and hiscamera.
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