New rivers ofgold
Remittances from unlikely places are helpingpoor countries in the downturn
In tapachula, a furnace of a city in southernMexico, people line up inside an air-conditionedbranch of Banco Azteca to process theirremittances. Last year Mexicans received anestimated $24 billion from friends and familyworking abroad, mainly in the United States, withwhich Mexico forms the world s busiest remittance corridor . But a closer look atthe Tapachulan queue shows how the remittance business is changing. Many are not Mexicansreceiving cash from America, but migrant workers sending it back home to Guatemala orHonduras. Very similar to what happens at the other border, observes Jorge LuisValdivieso, the bank s regional administrator, referring to Mexico s better-known northernfrontier.
他伯拉在墨西哥南部一个火炉区域,这里的大部分人阿紫别克银行的一个有空调的房间内排队处理他们的汇款。去年墨西哥人从海外朋友和家人那里得到大约240亿美元,大部分来自美国,为此墨西哥成了世界上最防盲的汇款渠道。但是近距离观察塔帕丘拉的长队发现汇款业务怎么变化。大部分不是墨西哥人从美国得到现金,而是移民工人汇回他们的家乡危地马拉和洪都拉斯。这与另一边的边境发生的情况很相似,Jorge Luis Valdivieso说,这个银行的区域行政长官,指的是墨西哥著名的北部边境地区。
The value of remittances to poor countries is enormous. Since 1996 they have been worthmore than all overseas-development aid, and for most of the past decade more than privatedebt and portfolio equity inflows. In 2011 remittances to poor countries totalled $372billion, according to the World Bank . That is not far off the total amount of foreign direct investment that flowed topoor countries. Given that cash is ferried home stuffed into socks as well as by wire transfer,the real total could be 50% higher.
Remittances are not just big, but growingthey have nearly quadrupled since the turn of themillenniumand resilient. In 2009, when economies around the world crashed, remittancesto poor countries fell by a modest 5%, and by 2010 had bounced back to record levels. Bycontrast, foreign direct investment in poor countries fell by a third during the crisis, andportfolio inflows fell by more than half. The most remarkable thing about remittancestoday is their continued growth, year after year, despite the global economic crisis, saysDilip Ratha, head of migration and remittances at the World Bank.
这些汇款不仅数量大,而且不断增长并且有弹性,在千禧年左右汇款增加了量增加了四倍。在2009年,世界经济下滑的时候,汇向贫穷国家的钱稍微下降了5%,并且到了2010年这有反弹到历史水平。相反,在经济危机期间外资直接向贫穷国家的投资下降了三成,证券投资流入下贱了一半。尽管世界经济危机的今天汇款最大的特点就是其数量年复一年的增长,Dilip Ratha说,世界银行移民和汇款长官。
One reason for this apparent boom is simply that the data are better. Money senders suchas Western Union and MoneyGram have improved their reporting to central banks. Oversighthas tightened since September 11th 2001. This has led to big jumps in some numbers:Nigeria posted a near-doubling of remittance receipts in 2007. Where governments aresensitive about providing information, economists have used other methods. India, forinstance, subjects remittances to Bangladesh to stringent tests. But by examiningmigration data, the World Bank reckons that some $3.8 billion probably crosses the borderevery year.
明显增长的一个原因是数据更容易得到了。汇款邮寄公司譬如西部联合公司和速汇金公司已经提高其对中央银行的上报。自从 2001年9月11日起已经加强了监管力度这导致汇款大数量的增加,尼日利亚报告2007年汇款收入将近翻了一番。 那些政府对上报信息敏感的地方,经济学家已经采取了其他的方法。比如印度对于汇向孟加拉国的汇款进行严厉的检查。但是通过检查银民数据,世界银行预计每年有38亿美元穿越边境线。
Partly thanks to these techniques, it is now known that remittances come from a widervariety of countries than was previously thought. This might in turn explain how they haveavoided being affected by Wall Street s hiccups. In 1970 46% of recorded remittances werereckoned to originate in America. By 2010 America s share was just 17%. One big newplayer is the Gulf, which has sucked in migrant workers since the oil boom. Saudi Arabia isnow the world s biggest sender of remittances after America, posting $27 billion in 2010,mostly to the families of South Asians and Africans who toil on its building sites and clean itshomes. More than half of all remittances to South Asia come from the Gulf; worldwide, theregion sends almost as many remittances to poor countries as western Europe does.
Expensive oil has made Russia a big destination for immigrants, too. In 2000 it was only the17th-biggest remitter in the worldindeed, it was a net receiver. But by 2010 it was thefourth-largest sender, dispatching nearly $19 billion, mostly to Central Asia. Remittancesfrom Russia are worth more than a fifth of Tajikistan s economy .
Though they are less volatile than many types of income, remittances are not immune tofluctuations. Cash flows to Mexico last year were still 12% lower than their pre-crash peak,partly because many Mexican migrants worked in the American construction sector, whichis still reeling. The Arab spring of 2011 made a dent in remittance receipts in the MiddleEast and Africa, as migrant workers from the region fled countries such as Libya. Anexception was Egypt, where receipts shot up by 14%. One reason may be that exiledEgyptians returned home with their savings; another is that a fall in property pricesencouraged migrs to snap up bargains.
Currency fluctuations can also skew remittance patterns. American greenbacks and euros areno longer sought after in those African countries where currencies have appreciated sharplyin real terms thanks to demand for the commodities they export. When you send dollarsback to a family in Angola, they don t feel as rich as before, says Marcelo Giugale of theWorld Bank. Working in Europe for five years no longer buys a house back home.
现期的货币波动可能影响汇款模式。美元和欧元再不是非洲国家追逐的对象了。这些地区的货币急剧升值这归因于对他们出口商品需求的增加,当你送回美元到阿格拉家庭中的时候,他们不会像以前那样感到富有。来自世界银行的Marcelo Giugale 说,在欧洲工作5年再也不能在家乡购买一套房子了。
The question is whether migrants will react by spending longer in far-flung destinations, or bystaying closer to home. Many already go for the second option: one-tenth of remittances toAfrica come from within the continent. South Africa sends most of its $1.4 billion inremittances to its neighbours, for example.
In the rich world, many countries have closed their borders to protect home-grown workers.America has made its southern frontier harder to cross, which partly explains the slowdownin immigration from Mexico. Emigration has risen, too, since the economy stalled. Butperhaps because they know it will be harder to come back, migrants are staying longer.According to the Pew Hispanic Centre, 27% of Mexicans deported from America in 2010 hadbeen in the country for at least a year, up from 6% in 2005. That may help explain whyremittances from America fell by only 5% in 2009, whereas in Britain, which has openborders with some of its biggest senders of immigrants, they fell by 27% . Stricter border controls keep migrants in as well as out, and theremittances flowing.
在富裕国家,很多国家已经关闭器边境以保护其本土的工人,美国已经使其南部边境线变得更难穿越,这部分说明了墨西哥汇款的降低。自从经济失速以后移民处境也增加了,但是可能因为他们知道回去更困难的,移民呆的时间更长了。根据裔研究中心的报告2010年27%被驱逐出境的墨西哥人至少在美国带了一年,甚至有6%自2005年就在了。那可以帮助解释为什么2009年来自美国的汇款仅仅下降了5%,然而在柏林,这个与其汇款输送人所在国家开放边境的下降了 27%,严格的边境控制使得移民进出保持相对不变,和汇款上升。
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