American art museums; Ahinterland beauty
美国艺术博物馆; 腹地美景;
Moshe Safdie and some intelligent curatorial workhave produced a rural gem;
The Ozarks are America s least appreciatedmountain range. Lacking the majesty of theRockies, the breadth of the Appalachians or themournful grandeur of the Cascades, there they sit,somewhere in the middle of the country, south of the Midwest, north of the south, east of themountainous west. They have long drawn fishermen and hikers; until now, however, artfanciers have had little reason to visit.
That changes with the opening of the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art on November11th. With 120 acres of forests and gardens and long hiking trails connectingit with downtown Bentonville, Crystal Bridges is not just in but also of the Ozarks. Its patron,Alice Walton, is the scion of the Ozarks first family: her father, Sam Walton, opened adiscount store called Wal-Mart in nearby Rogers, Arkansas, in 1962. Today Walmart is America s largest private employer. The Walton FamilyFoundation gave the museum a $1.2 billion endowment and Ms Walton and the museumhave been on something of a buying spree for several years.
The museum is not simply Ms Walton s own private collection. Like Nancy Aldrich Rockefellershe has been the driving force behind its creation. Ms Walton has long spoken of wanting tobring art to a region that has little of it, and in that ambition she has without questionsucceeded. Though admission is free thanks to a $20m bequest, the museum sellsmembership; roughly 4,600 of the 5,000 memberships have been bought by Arkansans.
Crystal Bridges takes its name from Crystal Spring, which flows on the grounds, and from themultiple bridges around which the museum is designed. The architect is Moshe Safdie, bestknown for his half-brutalist, half-playful Habitat 67 complex in Montreal. Crystal Bridgescomprises several discrete but linked structures that meander around and above twospring-fed reflecting ponds, a design that Mr Safdie says is meant to echo the surroundingtopography. Much of the museum s roofing is copper, which currently has the umbral hue ofthe foliage around itthe leaves dying in autumn, the copper brand newbut which will ofcourse gradually darken, turning a deep rust red and then dark brown before taking on thefamiliar light green patina in years to come.
水晶桥得名自水晶泉和多处桥梁,水晶泉在地面上流淌,而博物馆是围绕着桥梁设计的。建筑师是摩西萨夫迪,以其作品蒙特利尔的半野兽派、半俏皮的人居 67生态公寓而闻名。水晶桥由几个分立但有连接的建筑物组成,这些建筑物迂回曲折地悬绕在泉水供给的两个倒影池上方和周围,据萨夫迪说这样设计是为了呼应周围的地形结构。博物馆的屋顶大部分是紫铜色,通常映有博物馆周围植物的荫影,秋天树叶掉光了,紫铜色烙上新彩。当然了紫铜色会逐渐变暗,转为深铁锈红,然后再转为深棕色,几年后会染上大家熟悉的浅绿的铜锈色。
And just as the buildings nestle into and hug their surroundings, with few right angles, so theroofs arch and swoop and fall, mimicking the region s mountains. Trees surround themuseum; as they grow they will enshroud it with leaves in full summer and expose it inwinter. Crystal Bridges does not look like a traditional Japanese structure, but something ofthe Japanese aestheticsimplicity and cleanness of design, reverence for nature, theimpulse to build in harmony with rather than atop the natural worldpervades it.
The museum s collection manages to be both thorough and surprising. Those who wish tosee works by major American artists such as Winslow Homer, Thomas Hart Benton andRobert Rauschenberg will not be disappointed. But Don Bacigalupi, the museum director,says that in building a collection at this late date he looked at identifying new scholarshipand new research that led us toward artists and moments less well discovered. That hasinspired a particularly strong focus on women in American artas patrons, subjects andcreators. Janet Sobel, who made drip paintings several years before Jackson Pollock, getsher due. Among the museum s first-rate collection of portraits, nothing exceeds DennisMiller Bunker s sombre, haunting image of Anne Page ; and in itscontemporary galleries Alison Elizabeth Taylor s marquetry Room is, like the museumitself, a chamber of wonders in an unexpected place.
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