Banks dodgy assets; Taking out the trash;Thelingering toxicity of banks balance-sheets;
Waste disposal is still a big part of post-crisisbanking. A large amount of toxic securities andloans remains on banks balance-sheets. After itsbail-out Citigroup, for example, split itself into agood bank and a bad bank for operationalpurposes. The nasty bit still represents a fifth of thefirm s assets and accounts for a third of its capitalrequirements. Two other rescued firms, Royal Bank of Scotland and Commerzbank, took asimilar approach. Add in HSBC, too, which was not bailed out but which is running down aringfenced portfolio of consumer and housing loans in America, and the total bad-bankassets in these four firms alone amount to nearly 1 trillion dollar.
The number of bad banks is actually going up. Bank of America announced this month that itwould set up a new unit to manage the firm s soured mortgages. Many other firms havefiddlier arrangements. KBC, a bailed-out Belgian firm, still has some 25 billion euro of notional exposure to collateralised-debt obligations, although it says these arelargely written off or covered by a specific state guarantee. Barclays has anoff-balance-sheet vehicle called Protium into which it dumped some 12.3 billion dollar ofrisky assets.
Bad banks are partly about slick presentation. Shareholders and creditors still own a singlefirm but feel more confident if they can see a consistently profitable division within it.Segregating assets can also concentrate managers minds on the task of getting rid of therubbish. Taking Citigroup, RBS, Commerzbank and HSBC together, bad-bank assets havefallen from 1.6 trillion dollar in early 2009 to almost 1 trillion dollar. Quarterly pre-tax losseson these holdings have dropped sharply .
The job is not done yet. Two years ago the hits came mainly from securities that had to bemarked to market. Now those same instruments are producing modest profits for somefirms, such as Commerzbank. The bulk of losses today are from commercial-property andconsumer loans. Most firms expect continued heavy write-downs this year but animprovement thereafter: RBS, for example, reckons its bad bank has now recognised some50-75% of the impairments the assets are expected to generate. But it is possible thatlosses could start rising again.
The bigger concern is the time it takes to clean things up. Based on its experience last year,Citi s bad bank shrinks by only about 10% a year of its own accord as assets mature. RBShas suggested a similar rate of natural decline. So far most firms have achieved far fasterrates of reduction by restructuring and selling bad assets, but some worry that the easygains have now been made. HSBC has indicated that the sluggish American housing marketwill mean its portfolio may shrink more slowly that it once hoped, for instance.
Looming over all of this are the new capital rules. The unspoken goal of almost all firms isquickly to offload the remaining dodgy assets on their balance-sheets, thus releasing capital,to offset the higher overall capital standards being imposed on them. But the rate of naturalshrinkage of their bad banks is low and the remaining dud assets are hard to sell atreasonable prices They re called toxic for a reason.
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