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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Oil and the world economy


  The new Greece?


  How to assess the risks of a 2012 oil shock


  WITH the euro crisis in abeyance, high oil priceshave become the latest source of worry for theworld economy. Oil is the new Greece is a typicalheadline on a recent report by HSBC analysts. Thefear is understandable. Oil markets are edgy;tensions with Iran are high. The price of Brent crude shot up by more than $5 a barrel onMarch 1st, to $128, after an Iranian press report that explosions had destroyed a vital SaudiArabian oil pipeline. It fell back after the Saudis denied the claim, but at $125, crude is still16% costlier than at the start of the year.

  欧元危机悬而未决,高油价又令世界经济为之头痛。在汇丰银行分析师最近的报道中,头条便是原油成为又一个希腊 ,这种担忧是可以理解的。国际原油市场变幻莫测,伊朗局势依然紧张。据一家伊朗媒体报道,一次爆炸损坏了沙特阿拉伯一条至关重要的石油管道。布伦特原油价格应声上扬,三月一号每桶价格暴涨到128美元,涨幅超过5美元。随后沙特当局否认了这一报道,价格出现一定回落,但依然高达125美元,原油价格较年初上涨16%。

  Assessing the dangers posed by dearer oil means answering four questions: What is drivingup the oil price? How high could it go? What is the likely economic impact of rises so far? Andwhat damage could plausible future increases do?


  The origins of higher prices matter. Supply shocks, for instance, do more damage to globalgrowth than higher prices that are the consequence of stronger demand. One frequentexplanation of the current rise is that central-bank largesse has sent oil prices higher. Inrecent months the worlds big central banks have all either injected liquidity, expandedquantitative easing or promised to keep rates low for longer.This flood of cheap money, so the argument goes, has sent investors into hard assets,especially oil. But since markets are forward-looking, the announcement rather than theenactment of QE should move oil prices; indeed, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, BenBernanke, disappointed markets last month by not signalling another round of QE . Moreover, if rising prices are being driven by speculators you should see a risein oil inventoriesexactly the opposite of what has happened.


  Central banks may have affected oil indirectly, by raising global growth prospects, whichin turn buoy expectations for oil demand. Circumstantial evidence supports this thesis. Therecent rise in oil prices has coincided with greater optimism about the world economy: aeuro-zone catastrophe and a hard landing in China both appear less likely and Americasrecovery seems on stronger ground.


  But slightly rosier growth prospects are only part of the story. A more important driver ofdearer oil has been disruptions in supply. All told, the oil market has probably lost more than1m barrels a day of supply in recent months. A variety of non-Iranian troubles, from apipeline dispute with South Sudan to mechanical problems in the North Sea, haveknocked some 700,000 b/d off supply. Another 500,000 b/d or so of Iranian oil istemporarily off the market thanks both to the effects of European sanctions and a paymentdispute with China.


  The cushion of spare supply is thin. Oil stocks in rich countries are at a five-year low. Theextent of OPECs spare capacity is uncertain. Saudi Arabia is pumping some 10m b/d, anear-record high. And there is the threat of far bigger supply disruptions if Iran were everto carry out its threat to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which 17m barrels of oil passevery day, some 20% of global supply. Even a temporary closure would imply adisruption to dwarf any previous oil shock. The 1973 Arab oil embargo, for instance,involved less than 5m b/d.


  Separating out these various factors is not easy, but Jeffrey Currie of Goldman Sachs reckonsthat the fundamentals of supply and demand have pushed oil prices to around $118 a barrel.He thinks the remaining increase is down to fears about Iran. If so, should relations with Iranimprove, the oil price might go down by a few dollars, but stay close to $120.


  Globally, the damage from price increases to date is likely to be modest. A rule of thumb isthat a sustained 10% rise in the price of oil shaves around 0.2% off global growth in thefirst year, largely because dearer oil shifts income from oil consumers to producers, whotend to spend less. For now any impact is almost certainly outweighed by improvementselsewhere, particularly in the easing of the euro crisis. Despite dearer oil, the prospects forglobal growth are still better than they were at the beginning of the year.


  But the impact on growth and inflation in individual countries will differ. In America, a netimporter which taxes fuel lightly, the standard rule is that a $10 increase in oil prices knocks around 0.2% off output in the firstyear and 0.5% in the second year. That would slow, but hardly fell, an economy that iswidely expected to grow by more than 2% this year.


  There are in any case several reasons why America may be more resilient to dearer oil thanin recent years. The jump in petrol prices has been far smaller than in 2011 or 2008. Risingemployment gives consumers more income with which to pay for fuel. And Americaseconomy is becoming ever less energy-intensive, and less dependent on imports. Oilconsumption has fallen in the past two years, even as GDP has risen.

  在任何情况下,美国都可以比近年来更有效地抵御昂贵的石油。究其原因,可以有以下几点:汽油价格的涨幅远小于2011年或2008年;逐步上升的就业给予消费者更多收入,从而用它来支付燃料花销;以及美国经济正在远离能源密集型,更少地依赖进口。在过去的两年里, GDP上涨的同时石油消费却在下降。

  Americans are driving less, and they are buying more fuel-efficient cars. Net oil imports arewell below their 2005 peak, which means more of the money Americans spend on costlier oilstays within its borders. The development of copious amounts of natural gas means gas priceshave plunged. That, coupled with an unusually mild winter, has kept bills for home heatingunusually low. In January the share of consumers spending on energy products was thesecond-lowest in 50 years. These factors do not imply that America is impervious to spikingoil, but they do suggest the impact of price rises to date will be modest.


  Europe is more exposed. European countries, which tax oil more heavily than America, havetypically seen a smaller impact on growth from changes in the oil price. But this time theymay be relatively more affected, because most economies are already stagnant orshrinking. Worse, Europes weakest peripheral economies are also some of the biggest netimporters. Greece, for instance, is highly dependent on imported energy, of which 88% isoil. Even the price rises to date will worsen the euro-zone recession; a big jump could spawna deep downturn and fracture the confidence of markets.


  Britain is relatively insulated. Although it is a net oil importer, it has significant resources inthe North Sea. Any losses to the consumer from dearer fuel are partially offset by gains inthe oil and gas sector itself. But even in Britain the net effect of price increases to date couldbe more damaging than usual, particularly since they reduce the odds of sharply fallinginflation. Lower inflation, and a rise in real incomes, are one reason British policymakershoped to see the economy improve this year.

  英国相对安全。尽管英国是一个石油净进口国,但它在北海有明显的资源优势,消费者在昂贵的燃料上产生的任何损失都能被石油和天然气行业增加的收益部分抵消。即便如此,油价上涨对英国的影响也比以往更为不利, 特别是因为它们减少了通货膨胀急剧下降的可能性。低通货膨胀和增加的实际收入,是英国决策者所希望看到的今年经济改善的一个方面。

  Barrels, no laughs


  In emerging economies the picture is even more disparate. Oil exporters, from Venezuelato the Middle East, are gaining; oil importers will see worsening trade balances. In 2008 and2011, the main effect of dearer fuel in emerging economies was on inflation. That is less ofa worry now, largely because food prices, which make up a much bigger part of mostemerging economies consumption basket, are stable.

  新兴经济体之间的差异更大。从委内瑞拉到中东, 石油出口国都是贸易顺差,而石油进口国将会面临不断恶化的贸易平衡。2008年和2011年,燃料价格高昂是新兴经济体通货膨胀的主要原因。但如今不同了,占多数新型经济体消费组合很大比重的食品价格较为稳定。

  But some countries will face problems. In the short term, some of the hardest-hit emergingeconomies will be in eastern Europe. They will suffer not only from more expensive oil butalso from the weakening of European export markets.


  India is also a concern. Fuel is a big component of its wholesale-price index, for example, soinflation will rise as higher oil prices are passed through to domestic fuel costs. To theextent they are not, the budget will be hit. India regulatesand heavily subsidisestheprice of diesel and kerosene. According to Deutsche Bank, diesel prices have risen by only31% since January 2009, whereas the price of crude oil in rupees is up by 180%. Thedifference is a result of subsidies, frustrating Indias efforts to reduce its budget deficit.


  So oil is not the new Greece. More expensive oil is, for now, doing little harm to globalgrowth. But it is not helping Europes more fragile economies. And if the Strait of Hormuz isthreatened, the resulting surge in oil prices will spell the end of the global recovery.




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