Online video in China
The Chinese stream
China s online-video market is the largest and mostinnovative in the world.
It is also the most competitive
LATER this month PPTV, a Chinese online-video firm, will release a new reality show calledThe Goddess Office about four young women living together in a house, trying to create theirown e-commerce company.
Viewers will be able to ask the stars questions and send them money and ideas for theirstart-up.
The show will employ familiartelevision elements: the comedic rapport of the characters in Friends and the commercialambitions of contestants in The Apprentice.
But this television show will run exclusively online, rather than on a traditional TVnetwork.
Around the world online video is becoming a bigger and more sophisticated business, butnowhere is that truer than in China.
The country has the largest number of online-video viewers: around 450m, or nearly 80% ofthe internet-connected population.
Their numbers will rise to around 700m by 2016, according to iResearch, which tracks theindustry.
In America and Europe, online video has yet to supplant broadcast- and pay-TV, but inChina it seems rapidly to have done so.
A government news source has said that in 2012 only 30% of households in Beijing watchedTV, down from 70% three years earlieralthough official figures are not always reliable.
Google s YouTube video service is blocked in China, but local companies, including YoukuTudou and Sohu, are wildly popular.
There is lots of user-generated content, but viewers spend most of their time watchingprofessional shows, such as the full-length films, television dramas and comedies that thewebsites license from China and around the world.
Media gluttons can devour all this content without charge, as long as they sit through theadvertisements.
Online-video sites in China owe much of their popularity to the government s tightregulation of the TV industry:
all of the 3,000-plus stations are state-owned and their programmes are heavily censored.
Rules about content range from the predictable.
It takes months for programmes to get official approval for broadcasting, and only anestimated 30% of shows that are made get aired on TV.
Online-video sites, in contrast, need a government licence to operate, but are left to policethe content on their sites themselvesperhaps because the government never expectedthem to attract such a mass of viewers.
In principle it s the same, but in reality it s very difficult to say what the standards are forthe online-video content players, says Victor Tao, the boss of PPTV.
For example, last month the government ordered television channels to edit episodes ofPleasant Goat and the Big Big Wolf, a long-running children s cartoon, because it wasdeemed to be too violent.
But online-video firms that host episodes of the show seem not to have been given the sameinstruction.
Around five years ago Chinese online-video firms started competing directly with television bymaking their own programmes, and this year they will spend a combined 1 billion yuan onshows like The Goddess Office, according to Jiong Shao of Macquarie Securities, an advisoryfirm.
Online-video shows resonate more with the people aged between 15 and 40, who flock totheir sites.
For example, Surprise, a series made by Youku that parodies such things as universityentrance exams, has been viewed 260m times since it premiered on Youku in August.
This year the number of people watching online video on their mobile devices has surged.
Analysts expect the arrival of fourth-generation mobile networks to accelerate this trend.
People who watch shows on mobile devices spend more time viewing, overall, than those ondesktop PCs, according to Victor Koo, the boss of Youku.
The main challenge for him and his rivals is to lure more advertisers.
The size and innovation of the Chinese online-video industry may be unique, but itseconomics are not.
Like all online-video companies that rely on ad revenues, Chinese firms find it hard to makemuch money, if any.
Although the industry had revenues of around 9 billion yuan in China last year, few firms areprofitable.
This is because their costs are so high. Buying bandwidth to deliver content to so many usersis expensive, and so are the rights to license content.
As a result there have been nearly as many mergers as there are elimination rounds on TheVoice of China, one of China s most popular TV shows.
Last year Youku and Tudou, the most popular online-video sites, merged.
In May Baidu, an internet-search giant, bought PPS, a video site, for $370m and merged itwith its existing video service, iQiyi.
Self-interest has helped change the treatment of copyright in China.
Several online-video firms are stockmarket-listed, and as a result they take content licencesseriously, especially since as makers of their own shows they now have intellectualproperty to protect.
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