American tech companies in China
A question of trust
Edward Snowden is not the only cause of Americanfirms Chinese troubles
WHEN Hewlett-Packard reported quarterly results on November 26th, Meg Whitman, thechief executive, noted that the performance of many of its businesses in China hadweakened.
惠普公司在26号做季度总结时时,主管Meg Whitman注意到其在中国的多项业务表现得较为疲软。
HP thus joined a growing list of American technology companies which have given recentwarnings of harder times for their Chinese operations.
Some commentatorsand the oddexecutivehave mused that Edward Snowden may have something to answer for.
His revelations about America s technological spying, it is thought, are leading Chinesecustomers to shun American gear.
Fears of a backlash had been reinforced on November 25th when Qualcomm, an Americansemiconductor designer, said it was under investigation by an agency responsible forenforcing China s anti-monopoly law.
Qualcomm says that it is not aware of doing anything that might break the law and that it isco-operating with the agency.
Paul Jacobs, its boss, told the Wall Street Journal that all US tech companies are seeingpressure in China right now.
它的老板,Paul Jacobs,告诉华尔街日报称:现在在中国的所有的美国科技企业都有感受到了压力。
Many are, but the reasons for this are more numerous and complex than Chinesesuspicion of American snooping.
Take IBM. Its revenue from China plummeted by 22% in its latest quarter, compared withthe same period of 2012.
Big Blue admitted that internal execution problems were partly to blame. Lessconvincingly, it also cited a delay in the completion of China s latest economic plan and hencethe tech spending associated with it.
Cisco is also feeling a chill.
In its latest quarter the Chinese revenues of the American maker of computer-networkingequipment were 18% lower than a year before.
Cisco also forecast that its worldwide sales would fall by up to 10% in the current quarter,partly because of weakness in China.
Asked on an earnings conference call whether the Snowden affair was hurting business,Cisco executives said it was causing some Chinese customers to pause before makingpurchases.
But Cisco s share of sales of routers and switches to internet-service providers such as ChinaTelecom and China Unicom, and to other providers of web-based communications andinternet-connectivity services, had been falling well before the spying imbroglio.
David Krozier of Ovum, a research firm, says Cisco left itself vulnerable in China by failing torespond quickly enough to advances by rivals such as Alcatel-Lucent, of France, andHuawei, a Chinese company.
一家研究公司Ovum的David Krozier称由于不能及时从竞争中获利比如Alcatel-Lucent和华维间的竞争,Cisco使自己在中国处于不利地位。
Another American supplier, Juniper Networks, has managed to increase its share.
但是另一家美国供应商uniper Networks已成功使股票增值。
As for the Qualcomm investigation, it is tempting to see this as a further consequence of MrSnowden s mischief.
But Qualcomm is not the only foreign company under the microscope.
Recently others, including Danone, a French food firm, and Starbucks, an Americancoffee-shop chain, have been scrutinised for allegedly fixing prices or charging too much.
The Chinese government could instead be trying to send an unsubtle signal to Qualcomm.
The company dominates the market for chips that let mobile devices use super-fast, 4Gmobile networks, which Chinese telecoms firms are rolling out.
The sudden scrutiny may thus be intended to ensure that Qualcomm asks only modestroyalties of Chinese handset-makers.
All of this suggests the cost of Mr Snowden s revelations has been modest.
American firms are having difficulties in China partly because of their own missteps, but alsobecause Chinese firms such as Huawei and ZTE have grown into powerful competitors.
The American government has, however, made matters worse by seeking to deter firms inthe United States from using Chinese telecoms-networking technology, on the ground that itcould threaten national security.
That is fuelling what Ed Maguire of CLSA, an investment bank, calls tech mercantilism.
这促进了CLSA的Ed Maguire所说的科技重商主义。
China had policies favouring local suppliers of tech equipment many months before MrSnowden s leaks.
A tit-for-tat trade battle will do far more damage to American tech firms fortunes in Chinathan reports of the shenanigans of their country s spooks.
词语解释 with 与相比;比得上
Life isn t fair-don t compare with or be jealous ofothers.
Atheists have precious little to compare with this.
2.associate with 与交往, 联系;交接
The date and time to associate with the type library.
Create a container control designer class to associate with the custom control.
3.switch to 切换到,转到
Switch to the root account, and in five minutes you have it installed and ready to use withoutrebooting.
So he has always been happy with the switch to the gpl which he said is a fair and successfullicense.
4.enough to 足以
That s not enough to trigger renewed recession.
It tells you enough to get started right away.
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