Thinking outside the set-top box
America s largest cable company is becoming morelike the firms it is battling against for the attentionof couch potatoes
WHEN Comcast, America s largest cable operator, took a stake in NBCUniversal in 2009, 30Rock, a popular NBCU comedy, wove the deal into its plot.
The programme s characters cameunder the thumb of a new corporate parent, Kabletown, which introduced innovations likemoving customer services to a part ofIndia with no phones in order to provide the same levelof service at zero cost.
Comcast employees can take a joke. Last month, at a gathering to celebrate Comcast s 50thanniversary, they showed a clip of the show, to the amusement of the firm s realemployees.
A sense of humour is a sign of confidence.
Thanks to the 28 billion it spent to acquire NBCU, Comcast is the world s largest media firm,with a market capitalisation of around 128 billion.
NBCU gave Comcast control of a range of new content, including broadcast and cablenetworks, aHollywoodstudio and a theme-park business.
Comcast is also America s most powerful media business, because it controls what peoplewatch and the pipes that deliver it.
In its efforts to retain that position it is having to adapt to the new ways that people want towatch TV and consume entertainment that smaller rivals are pioneering.
The cable business has changed dramatically since Ralph Roberts purchased a small cablesystem inMississippiin 1963.
Today his son, Brian, runs a firm operating in a vast and mature business; nearly 86% ofAmerican households subscribe to pay-TV.
This has forced Comcast and other cable firms to increase revenues by raising prices ratherthan by chasing new viewers.
But not every viewer will tolerate high prices.
The proportion of households with pay-TV has fallen slightly since 2010 as some have cutthe cord.
Comcast now has 21.6m subscribers, 1.6% fewer than a year ago.
As well as cord-cutters Comcast and other cable providers must defend their turf from apack of new entrants.
These include telecoms firms such as Verizon and AT T, which offer pay-TV and fastbroadband, and firms that stream video over the internet, such as Netflix and Amazon.
其中包括像威瑞森及AT T这样的电信巨头提供的付费电视、高速宽带业务,还有奈飞、亚马逊公司在网络上提供的流媒体视频。
These companies have not killed cable, but they have helped to shape the way people wantto watch programmes: increasingly, on mobile devices and at a time of their choosing.
Netflix is popular with the young. Around 20% of households headed by people under 25 donot have a television but watch programmes on other devices, such as laptops and tablets.
If Netflix were a cable channel, its subscription revenues in 2013 would put it third inAmericabehind ESPN and HBO, according to MoffettNathanson, a research firm.
Comcast has responded by trying to resemble the firms that could unseat it, offering moreinteractivity, personalisation and portability.
Television is going to change more in the next five years than it has in the last 50, says BrianRoberts.
Comcast executives talk about apps for the television and rolling out innovations every threeto six months.
The firm is paying particular attention to its user interface, or what, until recently, wascalled a TV guide.
Comcast s is now arranged not numerically by channel, but alphabetically by programme, bynetwork and type of content.
Couch potatoes even less inclined to effort can download an app to their iPhone and shoutcommands at it to locate shows.
Comcast s new set-top box is cloud-based, adding to the potential for flexibility: films andprogrammes stored in the cloud can be watched on any device.
It tracks viewing history and recommends programmes accordingly, much like Netflix.
Comcast has made it easier for TV-watchers to find their way to full seasons of episodes thatare available on-demand so people can binge on shows.
Other pay-TV providers are experimenting with new features, and some have approachedComcast to license its technology.
One popular idea is TV Everywhere, which makes it possible for pay-TV subscribers to watchlive and on-demand programmes on their mobile devices wherever they like.
It has started slowly but is taking off as more content-owners agree to license the digitalrights to their programmes.
Tools like this may help Comcast and its rivals justify their high prices and convince peopleto stick with their television package.
Giving customers more products to keep them around for longer is an old tactic.
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