

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Electric cars   电动汽车   Charging into America   充电进入美国   Chinese firms are keen on America sbattery-vehicle market   中国公司致力于美国电动车公司市场   TESLA, an American electric-car manufacturer, is the darling of investors and the mostvisible success in a business more notable for its failures.   美国电动车制造商TESLA是投资者们的宠儿,相比较该行业的失败之处,它也是最显著的成功。   The praise it has attracted is encouraging Chinese firms to try to enter the American market.   它所赢得的赞赏激励中国公司试图进入美国市场。   A Hong Kong company and a mainlandfirm are battling for control of Fisker, a failed maker of hybrid-electric cars based inCalifornia; a court hearing due on January 10th will consider creditors calls for an openauction.   一家香港公司和大陆公司正在为Fisker的管理控制权而争夺不休。Fisker是加利福尼亚一家倒闭的混合动力汽车制造商。1月10日的庭审将考虑债权人所要求的公开拍卖。   And BYD, another Chinese mainland firm, said this week it would start selling its own electriccars in America next year.   另一家中国公司BYD本周表示明年起将在美国出售自己的电动车。   In 2009, when America s Department of Energy agreed to give Fisker a big green energyloan to start production of its sleek Karma sports car, it looked like posing a serious threatto Tesla.   2009年,美国能源部门同意给予Fisker一笔巨大的绿色能源贷款生产其Karma跑车,这对于Tesla似乎是一种严重的威胁。   But Fisker was brought down by quality problems, poor management and the financialdifficulties of A123, its battery supplier.   但是Fisker却因为质量问题、糟糕的管理、A123的财政问题及其电池供应商的问题倒闭了。   Production of the Karma ceased in late 2012 and, last November, Fisker followed A123 intobankruptcy.   Karma跑车在2012年底停产了,去年11月,Fisker继A123之后破产。   Hybrid Tech Holdings, controlled by Richard Lia son of Li Ka-shing, Hong Kong s richesttycoonbought the DOE s loan to Fisker at a big discount and is now seeking to use itsinfluence as a creditor to win control of the collapsed firm.   香港首富李嘉诚的儿子李泽恺的混合动力科技股份有限公司以极其优惠的价格支付了美国能源部门给Fisker的贷款,现在他正利用自己债权人的身份影响寻觅机会赢得该倒闭公司的控制权。   Fisker s managers support Mr Li s bid.   Fisker的经理支持李泽恺的投标。   But many of the company s unsecured creditors prefer the rival takeover proposal, fromWanxiang, a giant Chinese maker of car parts which aspires to go big into electric cars.   但是许多该公司的无担保债权人更偏向于其竞争对手,另一家打算强势打入电动车市场的汽车部件制造大亨万向集团来接管。   It has already bought A123 and plans to revive production of the Karma, assembling it inAmerica rather than, as before, in Finland.   该公司已经收购了A123并打算重新生产Karma跑车,这次打算在美国装配,而不是之前的芬兰。   For all the excitement about Tesla, battery cars have in general been selling like pork pies ata vegetarians convention.   所有关于Tesla的兴奋,电动车普遍被看作素食者公约买卖的猪肉派。   Yet this is deterring neither Fisker s rival bidders nor BYD, which has Warren Buffett as ashareholder.   然而这既没有阻断Fisker的竞争投标人也没有让Warren Buffett的股东BYD止步。   BYD has already persuaded Los Angeles to accept a handful of its expensive electric buses,but getting motorists to buy pricey battery cars from a firm they have not heard of will bequite a challenge.   BYD已经说服洛杉矶购买其少量的昂贵电动公交车。但是要让司机们购买他们从未耳闻的昂贵的电动车似乎很困难。   Neither BYD nor any other Chinese firm has yet produced an electric car of anything like thequality of Tesla s Model S, which motoring pundits have showered with plaudits.   无论是BYD还是中国任何一家其他公司能制造出与Tesla S 型电动车质量相仿的电动车,该电动车赢得许多汽车专家的喝彩。   Even in China, where big subsidies and other inducements are on offer, buyers have spurnedtheir clunkers.   即使在中国这样有着大型津贴和其他诱因供应的地方,买家也会摒弃其废旧的汽车。   词语解释   1.agree to 同意,赞成   He could agree to cut nuclear arms with russia.   他可能同意和俄罗斯一起削减核武器。   She convinced a reluctant union to agree to apay-for-performance system.   她说服了一个不情愿的工会接受绩效工资系统。   2.in general 通常;大体上   That s a good rule for life in general.   一般来说这是一个很好原则。   Three explanations apply in general, however.   然而,这种现象通常有三种解释。   3.notable for 值得注意的   The request is notable for its size.   这个需求值得注意的是它的大小。   The song dynasty is notable for the development of cities not only for administrativepurposes but also as centers of trade, industry, and maritime commerce.   宋朝在城市发展方面是非常显著的,这不单指其在管理上的职能,而且还包括其作为贸易、工业和海上贸易的中心的职能。



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