2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 The European Commission 欧盟委员会 Lagarde for president 拉加德或将成为欧盟委员会掌门人 If ever Europe needed a competent reformerwith new ideas, it is now 如果欧盟需要一个有想法的领导者,就趁现在吧 CHANCES for a new beginning in Europe are rare and should be seized. 对于欧洲来说,重新开始的机会不多,一旦出现,就该紧紧抓住。 In the coming months, after fivecan-kicking years of crisis and austerity, the European Union will clean out its executivesuite and appoint new presidents of the European Commission, as well as a newforeign-policy chief. 在危机中过了5年艰苦的日子后,再过几个月,欧盟将迎来一次大换血,届时目前的行政人员将陆续离职,欧盟委员会和欧洲理事会将有新的首脑走马上任,同时欧盟外交政策负责人也会出现新的面孔。 The EU desperately needs a fresh vision. 如今,欧盟急需注入新的血液。 Its citizens are disenchanted with the remote machinations inside Brussels. 欧盟成员国公民已对布鲁塞尔的种种政策不抱任何幻想, Insurgent political parties, many of them anti-EU, are snapping at the heels of the centrists. 许多反欧盟政党纷纷开始争取中间派的支持。 If the EU were a company, its board would have been sacked: if it were a football team, itwould have been relegated. It needs new leadership. 如果欧盟是个公司,它的董事会早就被炒鱿鱼了;如果欧盟是个足球队,它也早就该被降级了。如今,欧盟需要的是全新的领导班子。 Unfortunately, Europe s leaders have not got the message. 遗憾的是,欧洲各国的首脑们还没意识到这些。 The names being canvassed for commission president include two former prime ministersof smallish countries, Jean-Claude Juncker and Guy Verhofstadt, an assortment of obscureEuropean commissioners and the president of the dysfunctional European Parliament,Martin Schulz of Germany. 目前,欧洲委员会主席的候选人包括来自欧洲小国卢森堡的卢前首相让克洛德容克和比利时前首相付思达。此外,欧盟委员会专员,欧洲议会议长,德国人马丁舒尔茨或也会参选。 It is an uninspiring list of Eurocrats, still mouthing nostrums about ever-closer union. 这份竞选名单对欧洲官僚来说并无甚新意,仍旧在唠叨着那些欧洲一体化的老话。 One personwho is not a declared candidatewould be far better: Christine Lagarde, headof the IMF. 而有这么一个人,虽然没有宣布参选,却不失为一个更好的人选:国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德。 She is a French former finance minister, yet her years in Washington dealing with the eurocrisis, as well as running a huge law firm in Chicago, give her the clarity of an outsider s viewabout what is wrong with the EU. 这位女士曾出任法国财长,她在华盛顿任职期间也曾参与应对欧元危机,此外,她还是芝加哥一个大型律所的老板,这些都使她能从一个旁观者的角度看待欧盟现在面临的问题。 A liberal, she would be keen to complete the single market, promote free trade and cut theburden of regulation. 作为一个自由主义者,她或许会热衷于建成单一市场,促进自由贸易,减少管制负担。 She is also a persuasive saleswoman in both French and English, a bonus given her owncountry s sour view of the EU and Britain s possible referendum on whether to leave. 此外,鉴于法国目前对欧盟酸话颇多,而英国或许也会发起全民公投脱离欧盟,此刻的她也不失为一位法语英语皆能的推销员。 One supposed mark against Ms Lagarde is that, unlike the present commission president,Jose Manuel Barroso, and his two predecessors, she has never been elected. 对拉加德来说,她的不足之处也许在于,与现任主席巴罗佐和在他之前的两任欧盟委员会主席不同,拉加德还未参加过任何选举。 But the most effective recent commission president was not a former prime minister, butJacques Delors, another French former finance minister, whoalthough for a while a memberof the European Parliamentwas also a technocrat. 但近年来欧盟委员会最出色的主席并不是某国的前总统,而是德洛尔,他也曾是法国财长,担任过一阵子欧洲专员,此外还是一个专家政治论者。 And the job now needs the skills of a technocrat as much as of a politician. 而如今,欧洲委员会主席一职正需要一个同样是专家政治论者的政客来担任。 The bigger obstacle to Ms Lagarde becoming commission president lies in the Lisbontreaty. 而拉加德竞选道路上最大的阻碍则来自里斯本条约。 This says that the European Council, mindful of European elections, must nominate acandidate whom the European Parliament then elects as president. 条约规定,负责欧盟选举的欧洲理事会,必须提名欧洲议会会选举为主席的人为候选人。 Political groups in the parliament are exploiting this to put forward their preferred choicesnowMr Schulz for the centre-left Socialists, Mr Verhofstadt for the centrist Liberals and, nextmonth, a front-runner for the centre-right European People s Party who seems likely to beMr Juncker. 现在,欧洲议会中各政治团体正利用这一规定来兜售他们中意的候选人中间偏左的社会党人推选舒尔茨,而中间派自由主义者倾向于付思达,下个月,中间偏右的欧洲人民党也将推出自己的实力选手,极有可能就是让-克洛德容克。 The claim is that this process will seem more democratic to ordinary Europeans. 对于此次的竞选,目前的说法是对于普通欧洲人来说将会更加民主。 Dream on. 但这都是政客们的白日梦。 Most European voters neither know nor care who any of these people are or what they standfor. 大多数欧洲选民既不关心这些人是谁,也不关心他们都代表着谁的利益。 The suggestion that EU leaders should accept the candidate of whichever political group getsmost seats in May is a recipe not just for ending up with the wrong person, but also formaking the commission even more beholden to the parliament. 有人建议欧盟领导人,无论五月那个党派在欧洲议会获得多数席位,选择该政党的候选人总不会错。这样做不仅能选对人,还能密切欧盟委员会和议会的关系。 Don t let the parliament decide 千万别让议会做主 There is a way through this muddle. 走出泥塘的路只有一条。 As it happens, Ms Lagarde comes from the centre-right EPP, which is likely to remain thebiggest group in the parliament. 拉加德所代表的中间偏右的欧洲人民党很可能保持其议会第一大党的地位, The open support of Europe s three main leaders would probably get her the job. 而欧洲三位主要国家领导人的公开支持很可能使她得到这个职位。 France s president, Franois Hollande, is a Socialist, but he would surely welcome a Frenchpresident. 法国总统奥朗德虽是社会党人,但他肯定乐于见到一位来自法国的欧洲委员会主席。 David Cameron knows he is far more likely to win a referendum with a reformer like MsLagarde as the face of Europe. 卡梅隆也应该晓得,有这样一位改革派领导人在,他将更可能赢得公投。 Angela Merkel also wants a more open Europe, and her policy of appointing dull unknowns toEU posts has hardly been a resounding success. 默克尔也希望欧洲更加开放,而她将沉闷的无名小卒送往欧盟的政策也少有成功。 The argument for Ms Lagarde is similar to that two years ago for making Mario Draghipresident of the European Central Bank: he brought outside experience, market knowledgeand good ideas. 目前,拉加德出任欧盟委员会主席的优势与两年前德拉吉出任欧洲央行总裁的优势十分相似:他带来了国外经验、市场知识和先进想法。 To many then he seemed tainted by his link to an American investment bank, GoldmanSachs, but he is now the most respected Eurocrat of all. 当时许多人认为他在美国高盛工作的经历会是他竞选路上的减分项,但如今他却是欧盟中最受尊敬的官员。 So ignore the parliament, Mrs Merkel, and pick the best woman for the job. 默克尔女士,别管什么议会,为这一职务选择正确的人选吧。 词语解释 1.clean out 扫荡;清除 Having a good clean-out and throwing away anybelongings you no longer need will be verytherapeutic. 请认真做一次清洁,将那些不利于放松情绪和你不需要的东西丢掉。 The working principles and applications of acousticwave ash clean-out device on ESP and bag filter are mainly introduced. 主要介绍了声波清灰技术在静电除尘器和布袋除尘器中的工作原理及其应用现状。 2.as well as 既又,不仅而且 Nice to meet you as well! 见到你我也很高兴! This is unjust as well as damaging. 这不但不公平,而且极具破坏性。 3.deal with 与交易;应付 Or do you deal with the challenge? 还是你会去处理这个挑战? How would you deal with an armed burglar? 你怎样对付闯进来的持有武器的强盗? 4.end up with 以结束 Some kids also grow faster or slower but still end up with an average height. 此外还有一些孩子生长速度偏快或者偏慢,但最终仍能达到平均身高。 Hence we end up with a glut of inspiration websites, social media services or productreview aggregators. 所以,最后我们看到了一堆灵感网站、社会媒体服务和产品评论网站。