2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 Cable television 有线电视 The 61 billion proposal 耗资610亿的提案 The latest plot twists in a continuing televisiondrama 电视连续剧中最新的情节突转 SPURNED suitors usually nurse the wounds of rejection quietly. 令人唾弃的起诉者通常悄然的治愈拒绝的伤口。 Not in the cable-television industry.Having unsuccessfully approached Time Warner Cable twice last year, CharterCommunications, a rival American cable operator, has gone public with a new proposal. 这并不是在电缆电视行业。美国有线电视运营商的竞争对手Charter通讯,两次试图接近时代华纳有线公司都未能成功,现在又有一个新的提案已经上市。 On January 14th Charter announced a bid valuing TWC at 61 billion including debt, offering132.50 ashare compared with the 95 or so they were fetching early last June, when rumoursof its approach emerged. 1月14日charter宣布为时代华纳有限公司估价610亿,提供一个份额132.50美元相比于原来的95美元高出许多。早在去年六月这些做法就流传出来了。 Charter s boss, Tom Rutledge, wrote a public letter to Robert Marcus, the boss of TWC,beseeching him to consider the offer, and held a conference call to seek shareholders backing for the bid. Charter的老板汤姆?拉特里奇写了一封公开信给TWC的老板罗伯特马库斯,求他考虑该提案,并举行了电话会议,以寻求股东的支持。 TWC s executives are playing hard to get: they want a higher price, and vow not to letCharter steal the company. TWC的高管们欲擒故纵,他们希望得到更高的价格,并发誓决不让charter公司窃取。 For those who have been following this cable drama, it has been a question of when, not if,the industry would consolidate. 对于那些一直在遵循这种电缆剧的人来说,一直有个有关行业巩固的时间问题,而不是是否的问题。 TWC isAmerica s second-largest cable operator by subscribers, after Comcast, and Charter isthe fourth-largest. TWC是继康卡斯特后的美国第二大有线电视运营商,而charter排名第四位。 John Malone, one of the industry s pioneers, whose company, Liberty Media, is Charter sbiggest shareholder, is among many in the business calling for mergers. 行业的先驱之一约翰马龙,他的公司自有媒体是行业最大的股东,也是众多的业务中要求兼并的公司之一。 This would help cable firms fend off competition from satellite operators, phone companiesand streaming services like Netflix, which are poaching their customers for internet serviceand for films and TV shows. 这将帮助有线电视公司抵御来自卫星运营商,电话公司和如Netflix的流媒体服务等互联网服务对他们客户的偷猎和对电视电影节目的竞争。 Besides letting them cut costsCharter reckons a merger with TWC could save at least500ma yearscale would also give cable operators more clout when negotiating withcontent providers over the rates they have to pay to carry their channels. 除了让他们削减成本,charter打算与TWC合并每年可以节省至少5亿,而且在于提供商洽谈必须支付的渠道费率时也使有线运营商更有底气。 Last year TWC got into a fight with CBS over its fees, which led to a blackout of CBS channelsfor a month until the two reached agreement. 去年TWC与CBS战斗而花费了过多的费用,这导致CBS频道停摆了一个多月,直到两方协议达成。 TWC lost more than 300,000 customers during the third quarter, many of them as a result ofthis spat. TWC在第三季度失去了超过30万客户,其中不乏是因为这种争吵而出现的结果。 With its latest proposal judged still inadequate, Charter will have to decide whether to offermore. 其最新的提案也有不足之处,charter将不得不决定是否要提供更多。 Other cable firms, such as Comcast, may enter the fray, offering to buy all or part of TWC. 其他的有线电视公司,如comcast公司,可能会加入战斗,提供购买TWC所需的全部或部分资金。 Pay-television is not a growth business for cable operators, so they must become morecreative to increase sales. 付费电视并不是有线电视运营商增长业务的方式,所以他们想要增加销售必须变得更有创意。 One area of experimentation is to offer broadband along with a light television package, asseveral cable providers are doing in certain markets, to appeal to wallet-wise youngsters. 实验的一个方面是提供宽带伴随着光的电视包装,几个有线运营商正在做某些市场,以吸引钱包鼓鼓的青少年。 Others are selling metered broadband, with the cost tied to usage. 其他正在销售的计量宽带,花费和使用成本紧紧相连。 Cable firms and other internet providers may soon be free to try even more radicalexperiments with pricing. 有线电视公司和其他互联网服务供应商们可能很快可以尝试更为激进的实验与定价。 On January 14th an appeals court struck down federal rules that required them to treat allinternet traffic equallya policy called net neutrality. 1月14日上诉法院推翻了一个名为网络中立的联邦规则,这个政策要求他们对待所有互联网流量相等。 If the court s ruling prevails, this would let cable firms and other internet providers startdemanding payment from bandwidth-hungry suppliers of video, such as Netflix, for speedydelivery to viewers. 如果以法院的判决为准,这将让有线电视公司和其他互联网服务供应商开始要求高宽带视频用户,如Netflix快速传达给观众。 Besides giving cable firms a juicy new source of income, this could curb the expansion ofan increasingly powerful group of competitors for providing packages of video content. 除了给电缆公司提供收入的新来源,这可能遏制日益强大的集团竞争对手扩张提供视频内容。 The cable firms could also favour video sites in which they had an interest: for example,Comcast part-owns Hulu, a rival to Netflix. 电缆公司也可能对视频网站感兴趣,例如,Netflix的竞争对手hulu他们有用comcast的部分股权。 As any fan knows, cable-TV dramas tend to be long-running and full of plot twists. 由于任何人都知道,电缆电视剧往往是长时间运行而又情节曲折, This one will probably be no different. Stay tuned. 这其中可能会没什么不同。敬请关注。 词语解释 1.write to 给某人写信 As a child barber would write to football clubs andeagerly await their replies. 童年时,巴伯会写信给足球俱乐部,然后焦急地等待他们的回信。 Random people sometimes write to him to ask forhelp in making certain chemicals, he says. 他说,有时会有来历不明的人写信给他,要求他协助制造某些化学品。 2.call for 去接;去取 Chinese companies call for fairer treatment from foreigners. 中国公司要求更公平的对待外国人。 A few relatively infrequent situations also call for a semicolon. 有几个比较少见的的情况也要求使用分号。 3.fend off 挡开 The theory presumably is that a few carefully targeted barriers will fend off more acuteprotectionist pressure from congress and shore up political support for free-trade deals. 理论上估计小心谨慎有针对性的障碍会避开国会猛烈的贸易保护主义压力,同时会得到赞同自由贸易政治力量的支持。 Mr saleh needs new ones quickly if he is to fend off the rising tide of opposition at home. 如果萨雷先生想挡开国内风生水起的反对大潮,他迫切需新的招数。 4.poach for 偷猎 Unfortunately, my boss s boss is now trying to poach him and has asked me for a reference. 不幸的是,我上司的上司现在想挖走他,并来征求我的意见。 Companies expanding in china often poach employees from other businesses, which hasbeen a problem for closely held ermenegildo zegna holditalia spa. 在中国扩大业务的公司常常从其他公司挖角,这对私有公司杰尼亚公司来说一直是个问题。