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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Women and work   女性和工作   The glass-ceiling index   玻璃天花板指数   The bestand worstplaces to be a workingwoman   职场女性待遇最好和最差的国家   AS IT is International Women s Day on March 8th, The Economist has created a glass-ceilingindex, to show where women have the best chances of equal treatment at work.   今天是3月8日国际妇女节,《经济学人》就创造了一个玻璃天花板指数模型来向大家展示哪个地区的职场女性拥有最公平的待遇。   It combines data on higher education, labour-force participation, pay, child-care costs,maternity rights, business-school applications and representation in senior jobs.   这个模型中考虑到的指标有:高等教育、劳工参与度、薪酬、抚养子女的成本、孕妇权利、商学院申请、以及在高级职务中的表现。   Each country s score is a weighted average of its performance on nine indicators.   每个国家的得分是这九项指标加权平均之后的结果。   To no one s surprise, Nordic countries come out well on educational attainment andlabour-force participation.   毫无疑问的是,北欧国家在受教育水平和劳工参与度这两项指标上非常突出。   Women are also relatively well represented in their parliaments; Finland and Sweden wereamong the first countries to allow women to vote and stand for election.   女性在国会中也能享受相对较高的代表权;芬兰和瑞典都属于最先让女性享有选举权的国家。   Yet even there women are paid less than men for similar work.   然而即使这样,这儿的女性在应对相似的工作时拿到的薪酬也比男性要低。   In Finland and Sweden the gap is close to the OECD average of 15%, though in Norway it hasfallen to 8%.   在芬兰和瑞典,男女收入差异已经接近经合组织收入平均水平的15%, 而在挪威男女收入差异仅仅只有8%。   In Finland women accounted for almost half of those who took the GMAT, an entrance examfor business schools, in 2012-13.   在芬兰,2012年至2013年参与GMAT考试的考生中有一大半是女性。   Worldwide, the share was 43%, an increase of five points in a decade.   在全世界来看,这一比例达到了43%,比10年前上升了五个百分点。   In Norway nearly two-fifths of board members for the largest listed companies are women,thanks largely to the introduction of mandatory quotas in 2008.   在挪威,最大的上市公司董事会中几乎有五分之二是女性,造成这一现象的很大一部分原因是2008年的强制配额。   That is twice the share in the European Union, which is considering bringing in quotas if thecurrent voluntary approach fails.   该比例已经是欧盟的两倍了。欧盟表示,如果现行的自愿方式无法奏效的话,他们将会考虑引用强制配额。   At the bottom of our index are Japan and South Korea.   在指数列表低端的是日本和韩国。   Too few women there have jobs, few senior managers or board members are women andpay gaps are largein South Korea, at 37%, the largest in the OECD.   在这两个国家,职场女性人数相当少,在高级职务和董事会成员中也少有女性的身影。并且,韩国男女收入差距在经合组织中是最高的,达到了37%。   If, in the UN s words, equality for women is progress for all, both countries have a long wayto go.   如果用联合国的话来说,对于女性而言,平等意味着在各方面都有进步,那么这两个国家都还有很长的路要走。   词语解释   1.allow to 允许   Allow to freeze solid for 3-4 hours or overnight.   允许冻结3-4小时或隔夜固体。   Apply solution to the tube and allow to becometacky.   在内胎上涂抹胶水并让它发粘。   2.stand for 代表;为而奋斗;拥护   In the 1980s, germans came to stand for everything un-dutch.   到了80年代,德国人变成了一切荷兰人不认可的东西的代表。   Now they stand for a liberal, democratic and successful republic.   而现在它们代表着一个自由、民主和成功的共和政体。   3.fall to 开始;落到   That honor would fall to glenn 11 months later.   这项荣耀11个月后落到了格伦头上。   This is why in previous projections the un assumed fertility rates in all countries wouldeventually fall to 1.85.   这就是联合国以前发布的人口展望报告中,预测所有国家的人口生育率最终都将下降到1.85的原因。   4.thanks to 幸亏,多亏,由于   That is largely thanks to its impressive mobile-money revolution.   实在多亏了肯尼亚引人注目的手机钱包改革。   Pornographers are in bigger trouble, thanks to technology.   由于科技的作用,色情作品作者将陷入更大的麻烦。



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