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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   The South China Sea   南海   Not the usual drill   非一般钻井   Tensions mount dangerously in contested waters   争议水域局势紧张   BARACK OBAMA S tour of four countries in Asia latelast month was supposed to reassure America sfriends of its commitment to the region, and to deter China from provocations in its manyterritorial disputes. In the South China Sea, at least, the tactic has not worked. China squarrel with Vietnam, which had been dormant in recent months, flared up dangerously thisweek. And a new front opened in China s continuing tussle with the Philippines over differentparts of the sea.   奥巴马上月末访问亚洲四国,本应令盟友对其重返亚洲的承诺安心,并阻止中国挑起其诸多领土争端。但至少在南海,这个战略不起作用。中国与越南的纠纷缓和数月后,本周再度剑拔弩张。此外,中国与菲律宾又因持续不断的主权争议另一海域发生新冲突。   Vietnam first. China sent its new $1 billion rig, the Haiyang Shiyou 981, to drill for oil inwaters that Vietnam regards as inside the exclusive economic zone it is entitled tounder the international law of the sea. Vietnam demanded that the rig be withdrawn andsent nearly 30 coastguard vessels to try to stop it starting work. A protective Chinese flotillarepulsed them, ramming one and firing water cannon at others. China has declared athree-mile exclusion zone around the rig, larger than is normal.   越南首当其冲。中国运送新的钻井平台海洋石油981进行海上石油钻探,平台价值10亿美元。越南认为中方作业区域位于其依国际海事法拥有的专属经济区内,要求中方撤离钻井平台,并派出近30艘海警船试图制止中方再度作业。中国护卫舰队驱逐了越方海警船,撞击一艘并向其余船只发射水炮。此前中方宣布海洋石油981钻井平台半径3海里范围为禁航区,这大于正常值。   It insists the rig is operating in its own waters. It appears to claim that the area is within theEEZ attached to an island chain it controls, which China calls Xisha and the Vietnamese HoangSa. The islands, the Paracels in English, have been occupied by China since 1974, when itdrove out the former South Vietnamese regime. Vietnam still regards them as part of itsterritory.   中方坚持钻井平台的作业区完全位于本国海域,声称这片区域在其专属经济区内,连接着由中方控制的岛链。这片岛链英语名称为Paracel,中国于1974年赶走岛上的越南政权后便占领了这里。但是越南仍视之为自己的领土。   As always, China s claim is hazy. It produces maps with a vast U-shaped area coveringalmost the entire South China Sea, enclosed in a nine-dash line, which it says gives ithistoric rights to the land inside. This uncertainty has created tension in various parts of thesea, where the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also have claims. The dispute withthe Philippines is the most active. That, too, intensified this week when the Philippinesarrested 15 Chinese fishermen for poaching hundreds of endangered turtles in what it sees asits own waters.   中国的主张一如既往的含糊。它制作地图时划出一片巨大的U型地带,用九段虚线将几乎整个南海划在国土范围内,并称自古以来对里面的土地拥有主权。这个不明确性在各海域形成紧张气氛,包括菲律宾、马来西亚、文莱与台湾等国家和地区。其中与菲律宾的冲突最频繁。本周菲律宾扣留了15名中国渔民,理由是这些渔民在菲律宾视之为领海的地方偷捕濒危海龟,紧张局势再度升级。   Mr Obama s trip was marked by a beefing-up of America s security ties with the Philippines,but not by an explicit American commitment to back it in the South China Sea. Vietnam isnot an American ally, although relations have warmed in recent years, partly because ofVietnam s fear of China. America has condemned China s provocative drilling plans butmay prove powerless to thwart them. That could undo whatever progress Mr Obama madeon the reassurance front.   奥巴马此行被认为加强了美国与菲律宾的安全关系,而非美国重返南海的明确承诺。尽管近年美越关系好转,但越南并不是美国的盟友。部分原因是越南对中国的担心。美国谴责了中国的挑衅性钻探计划,但或许无法阻止该计划实行。那可能使得奥巴马在安抚盟友方面取得的进展功亏一篑。   词语解释   1.suppose to 认为   I suppose to go there on my honeymoon.   我本来想去那里度蜜月。   Would you suppose to meet the people on the boat.   你认为是那些在船上的人吗?   2.drill for 钻   They are going to drill for oil nearby.   他们准备在附近钻油。   A drill for learning the multiplication tables.   学习乘法表的一项练习。   3.attach to 附属于,隶属于   The image it presented was bad, the source said who then added reluctantly thatresponsibilty for handling the crisis should attach to the president.   它提出的形象是不好的消息人士说,那么谁不情愿地说,对于处理危机负有责任,应重视总统。   Select log files to attach to the server status report.   选择要附加到服务器状态报告中的日志文件。



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