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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Old bones   老骨头   A grave issue   墓地问题   The opportunity cost of letting ancient Cockneysrest in peace   让老伦敦人安息的机会成本   THE Cross Bones Graveyard lies on a dingy streetin south London. The medieval prostitutes buried there were much used and little loved ; yettheir graves have become a modest attraction. The unconsecrated cemetery s rusty gatesare festooned with colourful feathers, trinkets and ribbons. The most ardent well-wishers,who are campaigning for the graveyard to be protected as a monument, hold monthly vigilsthere at which they chant poetry and remember the long-ago outcasts.   十字骨墓地坐落于伦敦南部一条肮脏阴暗的街道,在墓地中长眠的中世纪妓女被一再利用却得不到任何关爱;但是如今她们的坟墓却成为了一个不大不小的旅游景点。被视为不圣洁的墓地大门虽然已经锈迹斑斑,但现在却被多彩的羽毛,小饰品以及彩带装点着。最虔诚的一批许愿者,正致力于申请将这片墓地作为历史遗迹保护起来,他们每月都会来守夜一次,在墓地旁吟唱圣歌以纪念这群故去的放逐者们。   Transport forLondon, the authority that owns the spot, wants to develop it. At 1,600 persquare foot, primeLondonland is among the world s dearest. To soothe the vigilistas,however, TfL says it will leave the graveyard undisturbed.   拥有这片墓地的伦敦交通局计划重新开发这片区域。伦敦最繁华地段的土地以每平方英尺1600英镑的价格跻身于世界上最昂贵的土地之列。然而为了安抚这群守夜人,伦敦交通局表示施工将不会扰乱这片墓地的清静。   Bringing up the bodies   挖掘遗骸   This highlights a growing dilemma inLondon. It is an ancient city and its subsoil is packedwith ancient remains. Tradition and, by and large, the law demand that they be left in peace.But the opportunity cost is enormous.   这突显了伦敦一个日趋严重的问题。伦敦是一座历史悠久的城市,因此城市的底土都埋藏着先人的遗骨。传统观念告诉我们应该要让先人们在地下得以安息,总的来说,法律也是这么要求的。但是让先人们安息的机会成本是巨大的。   Developers normally have to obtain a licence for every buried body they wish to disinter.But big infrastructure projects are sometimes granted a bulk deal. Crossrail, a 15 billion raillink across the capital, is permitted by a special act of Parliament to remove ancientskeletons from its path. To that effect, more than 300 have so far been dug up from thegrounds of a medieval hospital nearLiverpool Street, to be reburied in a mass grave. Bythe time the project is finished, the bones of thousands of ancient Cockneys will have beenshifted.   一般来说,开发商们想挖掘的每一具遗骸都必须获得相应的许可证。但是有时在大型的基建项目中也会大批量地进行授权。伦敦横贯铁路是一条横贯首都伦敦并价值150亿英镑的铁路联络线,在它建设期间就曾被议会特别允许移除施工路途中的每一具遗骸。也就是说,至今已经有超过300具遗骸从靠近利物浦大街的中世纪医院的地下挖掘出来,并被重新埋葬集体坟墓之中。等到这项项目竣工之时,会有成千上万的老伦敦人的遗骸被重新安放。   词语解释   1.campaign for 争取的运动,为而斗争   Many republican grandees blame the romneycampaign for the stalemate.   许多共和党显贵们都指责罗姆尼的竞选造成了这个僵局。   His refusal to campaign for the party in recentstate elections looks churlish.   在最近的国家选举中,他拒绝参加该党竞选的行为被认为很无礼。   2.bring up 提出;谈到   How not to bring up your children.   如何不抚养孩子。   This will only my personal factors bring up for reference.   这里只将我个人的因素提出来供参考。   3.pack with 充满   You brought your whole pack with you?   你把你这帮爪牙都带上了?   The film had led the pack with 13 nominations.   《返老还童》以13项提名领先各候选影片。   4.wish to 希望   Select a small section of glass you wish to print to.   选择你要印的玻璃上的一小块地方。   Do you wish to have a positive experience in life?   你希望有一种积极的生活经验吗?



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