2015复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。 Energy subsidies 能源补贴 Scrap them 废除 There are moves around the world to get rid ofenergy subsidies. Here s the best way of goingabout it 世界上有各种废除能源补贴的措施,下文是最佳方案。 FOR decades, governments from Egypt to Indonesia have subsidised the price of basic fuels.Such programmes often start with noble intentionsto keep down the cost of living for thepoor or, in the case of oil-producing countries, to provide a visible example of the benefits ofcarbon wealthbut they have disastrous consequences, wrecking budgets, distortingeconomies, harming the environment and, on balance, hurting rather than helping the poor. 几十年来,从埃及到印尼,政府都对基本燃料给予价格补贴。这些补贴常常打着高尚的旗号:降低穷人的生活成本,在石油生产国家树立碳财富收益的榜样。这往往会产生破坏性的后果,打乱预算,扭曲经济,破坏环境。总体来说,它们对穷人的伤害比帮助大。 Emerging markets are not the only places that distort energy markets. America, forinstance, suppresses prices by restricting exports. But subsidies are more significant in poorercountries. Of the $500 billion a year the IMF reckons they costthe equivalent of four timesall official foreign aidhalf is spent by governments in the Middle East and north Africa,where, on average, it is worth about 20% of government revenues. The proceeds flowoverwhelmingly to the car-driving urban elite. In the typical emerging economy therichest fifth of households hoover up 40% of the benefits of fuel subsidies; the poorest fifth getonly 7%. But the poorest suffer disproportionately from the distortions that suchintervention creates. Egypt spends seven times more on fuel subsidies than on health.Cheap fuel encourages the development of heavy industry rather than the job-rich lightmanufacturing that offers far more people a route out of poverty. 不只有新兴市场的能源市场受到扭曲。在美国,政府限制能源出口来抑制价格上涨。但补贴对较贫穷的国家影响更大。在国际货币基金组织声称的对这些国家年5000亿美元的支出中,有一半都是被中东和北美的国家政府消费掉的。这一支出相当于所有官方外援的四倍。在这些政府,补贴占收入的20%。补贴大量流入城区内的有车精英一族。在典型的新兴经济体内,40%的燃料补贴流向了最富有的家庭而最贫穷的家庭只拿到7%。最贫穷的家庭承受着政府补贴带来的不公。埃及花在能源补贴上的资金是花在医疗保健上的7倍有余。廉价燃料可以促进重工业的发展,而非轻工业。后者能为更多人创造就业机会,提供脱贫机会。 For all these reasons the benefits of scrapping subsidies are immense. Emerging economiescould easily compensate every poor person with a handout that was bigger than the benefitsthey got from cheap fuel and still save money. In the process, they would help the planet.According to the International Energy Agency, eliminating fossil-fuel subsidies would reduceglobal carbon emissions by 6% by 2020. 基于上述理由,废除补贴带来的好处是巨大的。新兴经济体很容易就能补偿每个穷人,其收益远大于廉价燃料,同时还能有余钱储蓄。在此过程中,它们还保护了地球。根据国际能源署,通过减少化石燃料补贴,到2020年,碳排放能降低6%。 How to save $500 billion and the planet 怎么省下5000亿美元又能拯救地球? Some emerging-market governments are persuaded by these arguments, and are gettingserious about reform . Indonesia raised petrol prices by more than 40% lastyear, and the front-runner in the upcoming presidential election says he will consider amore comprehensive fuel-subsidy revamp. Iran has just begun the second phase of a bigsubsidy overhaul, raising the price of petrol, gas and electricity. Egypt s new president isbeing pushed towards tackling energy subsidies by a gaping budget deficit. Morocco andJordan have cut subsidies in the past couple of years. Even Kuwait announced this week thatit plans to scrap diesel subsidies. 一些新兴市场的政府被这些辩论说服,于是开始严肃对待改革。印尼汽油去年提价超过了40%,在接下来的总统大选中,选票领跑者表示他将考虑一个更加复杂的燃油补贴改进。伊朗刚刚开始了第二轮的补贴改进并提高了石油、汽油和电力价格。埃及新总统不得不面临日益扩大的预算赤字引起的能源补贴问题。摩洛哥和约旦在过去几年都削减了补贴。甚至科威特也在这周宣布计划停止柴油机补贴。 Yet the politics of reform are exceedingly difficult. Politicians are loth to antagonise theurban elite; insiders benefit from cheap fuel; ordinary citizens do notbelieve they will be compensated. Many previous attempts to cut subsidies have beenabandoned in the face of popular protests or rising global oil prices. Experience suggeststhat any attempt to cut subsidies needs to be accompanied by a public-education campaignto explain the costs and inequities of subsidies, to have a clear timetable for gradual priceincreases and to be supported by targeted transfers to counter the effect of higher fuel priceson poorer people. 然而改革中的政治博弈极其困难。政治家不愿对抗城市精英,内部人士常常从便宜的燃料中得到好处,普通市民则不相信他们能拿到补贴。面临着日益增多的反抗声音和全球油价的上涨,很多之前削减补贴的尝试都被搁置了。经验表明,任何试图削减补贴的尝试都需要相应的配套措施:介绍成本与补贴不平等的公共教育、有关价格逐渐上涨的时间表、有指向的转移支撑以平息高燃料价格对穷人造成的影响。 Even with better politics and the best-laid plans, it would be a mistake to expect too much toofast. Entrenched subsidies anywhere are devilishly difficult to get rid of. If the oil price rises,so too will the pressure on emerging economies to protect their citizens from dearerfuel. But, for the moment, there seems to be a chance to accelerate reform. It is anopportunity not to be missed. 尽管有着更好的政治氛围和最好的计划,预期太多太快都是错误的。在任何地方,根深蒂固的补贴都是很难摆脱的。如果油价上涨,那么新兴经济体保护市民不受更贵燃料影响的压力就会上涨。但是,目前来看,加快改革似乎是有机会的,这一机会不可错失。 词语解释 1.get rid of 除掉,去掉 She had a mad urge to write a check and get ridof him. 她疯了似的想快速涂写支票,想赶快摆脱他。 Setting goals is a much more profound task thanjust a way to get rid of information overload. 明确目标是一个意义深远的工作而不仅仅是一个摆脱信息过载的方法。 2.in the case of 至于,就来说 The commitment is explicit in the case of public-sector schemes. 在公有部门的退休金计划中,政府承诺支持是显而易见的。 This shortfall in local expenditure means that foreign donors become particularly relevantin the case of cafs. 当地资金支出的短缺意味着国外捐资人在这些战乱国家变得尤为重要。 3.suffer from 忍受,遭受 A smaller number suffer from other sleep-disordered breathing. 患有其它睡眠呼吸紊乱的比例更小。 All three panelists suffer from mental illnesses themselves. 这三个小组成员本身就患有精神疾病。 4.plan to 打算,计划 As ceo, what do you plan to reduce? 如今作为CEO,你计划在哪些方面进行简化? Despite u.s. unemployment hovering around 9.2%, 83% of u.s. start-ups plan to hire in2011. 尽管美国失业率仍徘徊在9.2%居高不下,但83%的美国初创公司已计划于2011年招兵买马。
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