拜金女入狱 道歉还红会清白 Guo Meimei, the 23-year-old woman who landed the Red Cross in China in a credibility crisis, has been investigated for being deeply involved with illegal gambling and the sex trade, and for spreading rumors, Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday. 据周一新华社报道,郭美美,这位曾让中国红十字会陷入诚信危机的23岁女子,日前因涉嫌非法赌博、性交易和散播虚假信息被抓。 Guo was arrested on July 10 on suspicion of taking part in illegal World Cup soccer gambling activities. She later confessed to police that she had nothing to do with the Red Cross Society of China. 7月10日,郭美美因涉嫌在世界杯期间赌球而被警方逮捕。她随后向警方坦白称自己与中国红十字会并无关系。 None of my relatives and friends, including my ex-boyfriend, were staff members of the RCSC. I didn t know anyone from the Red Cross, Guo said. I made a huge mistake to gratify my vanity, she said during the investigation. 郭美美在接受采访时表示,其实我身边的亲人、朋友,包括我的前男友,都不是红十字会的工作人员。我本人也不认识任何红十字会的工作人员。我因为自己的虚荣心,犯下了一个很大的错误。 I want to say sorry to the Red Cross, all of society and especially to all the people who cannot get aid from the Red Cross , she said. 她说,我想跟红会说一声真的很对不起,跟老百姓也更是对不起,对那些得不到救助的人,就更是对不起。 According to Beijing police, Guo s wealth came from illegal gambling, commercial performances including singing, and the sex trade. 根据北京警方,郭美美的财产来自于非法赌博、唱歌等商演活动以及性交易。 In mid-2011, Guo claimed on social media she was a manager of an organization under the charity, and openly flaunted her wealth and extravagance. 2011年中,郭美美在社交媒体上宣称自己是红会某机构经理并公开炫富。 Her posts triggered concern over how donations are used by the country s State-run charitable organizations and dealt a major blow to the RCSC, which has been struggling to regain trust since the scandal. 她的微博引发了大众的关注,民众开始质疑中国官方慈善机构究竟将善款用在了何处。这一事件对红会造成了重创,直至现在,红会仍未走出丑闻的阴影重获社会信任。 Donations to the society dropped by 23.68 percent in 2012, according to the China Charity and Donation Information Center. 根据中民慈善捐助信息中心的数据,2012年红会受捐同比下降23.68%。 Deng Guosheng, director of Tsinghua University s NGO Research Center, said the development of charity work needs more participation from the private sector and the public. 清华大学NGO研究所所长邓国胜表示,慈善事业的发展需要更多私营部门和公众的参与。 This is typical Chinese charity. Some of us choose to donate money because the government sends a notice and asks us to do so. Deng said more education is needed to tell people of the importance of charity and social work. 这是典型的中国式慈善。我们有些人只是因为政府发了捐款通知才捐。邓国胜认为,需要继续教育民众慈善和社会公益事业的重要性。
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