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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  伊丽莎白二世女王登基60周年纪念   As Queen Elizabeth marks her Diamond Jubilee anniversary, she dedicated herself anew to continuing to serve fellow Britons and those around the world who count her as head of state.   今天是英国伊丽莎白女王登基60周年纪念日,伊丽莎白女王在声明中再次表示,将继续为英国民众和英联邦所属成员国人民服务,奉献一生。   In a statement to mark the start of her diamond jubilee year, the Queen only the second monarch after her great great grandmother Queen Victoria to celebrate 60 years on the British throne vows once again to serve her people for the rest of her life.   伊丽莎白女王的声明标志着钻石庆典纪念活动拉开帷幕。伊丽莎白女王是英国史上继曾祖母维多利亚女王之后,第二位庆祝在位60年的君主。女王在声明中再次宣誓,会穷尽一生为人民服务。   Releasing a special set of portraits, taken by John Swannell in the Centre Room at Buckingham Palace in December 2011, Elizabeth, 85, sent a message indicating that while she has seen great advances since she took over at her father George VI s death on Feb. 6, 1952, she is looking forward to the future with a clear head and warm heart.   英国皇室发布了一系列特别照片,这是英国著名摄影师John Swannell于2011年12月在白金汉宫中心会客厅拍摄而成。现年85岁高龄的伊丽莎白女王表示,自1952年2月6日因父亲乔治六世病逝接任以来,她看到英国取得了重大的进步。同时,女王也将带着清醒的头脑和温暖的内心期待未来的发展。   The comments came after a day in which she and husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, 90, attended a church service John Swannell on her private Sandringham estate in Norfolk to the delight of flower-clasping well-wishers who came out despite the snow to greet the couple.   女王是在与丈夫菲利普亲王参加教堂的礼拜活动后第二天发表的声明。周日,女王与90岁高龄的菲利普亲王在诺福克郡桑德灵厄姆皇家庄园的小教堂参加礼拜活动。热情的英国民众不惧寒风,为皇室夫妇献花祝福。   In her message, which was released by Buckingham Palace, Elizabeth said, I hope that we will all be reminded of the power of togetherness and the convening strength of family, friendship and good neighborliness, examples of which I have been fortunate to see throughout my reign.   在白金汉宫发布的这项声明中,女王表示:我希望可以提醒所有人情感凝聚力和感召力的力量,亲情、友情和睦邻友好,我很荣幸可以在我的任期看到这些良好的榜样。



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