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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  欧美兴起晒腿毛革命   Hairy legs movement   晒腿毛革命   If youre fed up of being fastidious about your depilation, you will be pleased to learn the hairy legs movement has arrived - and it s making waves on social media.   如果你也对兢兢业业的脱毛行动感到厌倦,也许你会很高兴地发现,晒腿毛革命的风潮已经到来而且已经在社交网络上引起了轩然大坡。   Women around the globe are saying no to waxing and shaving, instead posting proud pictures of their fluffy limbs online.   全世界的女性都在对脱毛蜡膏和剃毛刀说不,她们笃定并骄傲的在网上晒着自己毛茸茸的四肢的照片。   One such online community, the Hairy Legs Club, is blazing a trail on tumblr, inviting women to post their photos to make a statement about social expectations of beauty.   这个名为腿毛联盟的网络团体已经在微博客上大红大紫,联盟邀请女性们晒出自己的照片,表达自己对社会美感期望值的观点。   Extra credit for unshaved armpits   不刮腋毛加学分   University offers female students extra credit for not shaving their armpits.   高校向那些不刮腋毛的女学生奖励特别学分。   Female students at an Arizona university have been offered the chance to earn extra credit by not shaving their armpit hair for a whole semester.   亚利桑那大学的女学生们获得了一个争取特别加分的机会只要一整个学期不刮腋毛。   The unconventional offer was made by women and gender studies professor Breanne Fahs as a way to get her students to challenge social norms.   这项反传统的政策是由该校致力于女性与性别研究的布里安娜芳斯教授提出的,旨在鼓励学生挑战社会陈规。   Male students on the Arizona State University course are also able to apply for extra credit, but to qualify they have to shave all their hair from the neck down   .当然,亚利桑那大学也鼓励男同学们争取这一特别加分,但方法是要剔除他们颈部以下所有的毛发。   Do you dare?   你敢吗?   The profile mission statement, of online community, the Hairy Legs Club, explains: We believe that everyone should be free from coercive gendered bodily norms and should have absolutebodily autonomy.   在他们的网页资料上,他们如此解释自己的革命宣言:我们坚信人人都有反抗对女性身体的社会强制规定的权力,人人都有对自己身体的完全自主权。   And who can argue with that. The question isdo you dare?   谁敢说不是呢。可是问题是你敢吗?



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