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发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  世界首款飞行摩托上市   It s 50 years since the Jetsons first predicted we d be flying the family about in airborne cars.   50年前,美国动画片《摩登家族》中的杰特森一家曾预测,整个家庭都将把飞行汽车作为代步工具。   And now we are finally standing on the cusp of that long-awaited milestone, as the world s first flying motorcycle goes on sale.   而现在,我们终于抵达了突破性的历史里程碑世界上首款飞行摩托上市。   The Pal-V One Helicycle is a two-seat hybrid car and gyrocopter that has the potential for making rush-hour delays a thing of the past.   这款飞行摩托名叫Pal-V One,可供二人乘坐。这一两栖交通工具可从摩托车和直升机之间轻松转换,这样就再也不用担心堵车迟到啦!   It is road - and air - legal and now, two years after its maiden flight, it is finally available to buy - if you have a spare $395,999 that is.   这一陆空两栖的飞行摩托两年前首航试飞,现在终于合法上市可以购买了售价395999美元。   The Dutch-built Pal-V One can reach speeds of up to 112mph and goes from 0 to 60 in under 8 seconds when driven on the road.   飞行摩托Pal-V One由荷兰制造,飞行速度可达每小时112英里,陆地行驶速度可在8秒之内从0飙升到60迈。   Owners will need a Sports Pilot Certificate to fly one.   而飞行摩托车主必需拿到运动飞行员执照才可驾驶。   The two-seater vehicle can be bought through luxury gadget retailer Hammacher Schemmler which advertises it under name The Helicycle, yet its design and specifications are identical to the Pal-V One s.   飞行摩托可从奢侈品零售商Hammacher Schemmler处购买,基于飞行摩托Pal-V One的独特设计和功能、该商店给了它The Helicycle的特别广告冠名。   Despite its helicopter-like appearance, the Pal-V needs a 540ft runway in order to take-off.   尽管飞行摩托长的很像直升机,但Pal-V One需要540英尺的跑到来带动起飞。   When in flight mode, the vehicle looks like a helicopter, however, it is known as a gyrocopter or autogyro because the main power comes from the rotors at the rear of the vehicle.   在飞行模式下,飞行摩托看上去和直升机一模一样,然而它实际上是一架旋翼机,因为其主动力来自于机尾的旋翼。   On the ground, the machine handles somewhere between a motorbike and a racing car - the two-seater can reach speeds of up to 112mph.   地面上,飞行摩托给人介于摩托车和赛车之间的感觉速度可达到每小时112英里。   Unlike most fictional flying cars, of course, it can t just extend its rotors then hurtleskywards - the process takes about ten minutes.   与科幻小说中飞行车不同的是,这款飞行摩托不能做到打开旋翼立马起飞它的整个起飞过程需要花费10分钟的时间。   Once the engine stops, the propeller folds itself automatically into the driving position. Pushing a button then lowers the rotor mast into the horizontal position.   发动机停止之后,旋翼自动收起,飞行摩托进入陆地模式。按下按钮,飞行摩托即呈现水平落地模式。



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