Sunday(Sun.),Monday(Mon.),Tuesday(Tues.),Wednesday(Wed.),Thursday(Thur. or Thurs.),Friday (Fri.),Saturday (Sat.)
January(Jan.) February(Feb.) March(Mar.) April (Apr.) June(Jun.) July(Jul.)
August(Aug.) September(Sep. or Sept.) October(Oct.) November(Nov.) December(Dec.)
记忆方法:1号,2号,3号,21号,22号,23号的缩写均为“日期数+st、nd、rd(first,second,third的后两个字母) ,其余的日子缩写均为“数字+th;也可直接用数字来表达某日。如March 14,1995或March 14th,1995。
在月、日和年之间或星期和月、日和年之间要加逗号。如:Feb. 5,2004或Thursday,February 5,2004。
上一篇: 英语专家陈琳谈英语学习方法
下一篇: 浅谈小学英语字母教学
HIV sufferers to receive mental counseling
First brush with the iPad mini
Those helping others need protection
Colombia's 'queen of cocaine' shot dead at 69
That would be stretching it
In Bangladesh, Internet rolls into villages on a bike
Funds earmarked for relief
Government compensates those hurt by fireworks
Students made to work at Foxconn as interns
Political horse trading
US embassies tighten security
Writers win copyright lawsuit against Baidu
Collapse of pavilion prompts concerns
Survey shows Chinese workers stressed out
Spaniards see EU rescue as inevitable
'Fearless Felix' breaks the sound barrier
Virus compared with SARS not found in China
Tokyo must come back 'from the brink'
Bullfights return to Spanish public TV
Ex-security officials to try easing tensions
Philippines, Muslim rebels agree landmark peace deal
Kerry next in line for top State position
'Pandas' hot to globe-trot
Chinese go online to buy latest iPhone
Toy firm set to play abroad
Collapse at construction site injures workers
Storm revives issue of climate change
Forgotten bunker provides glimpse of wartime Hanoi
Chinese-Americans urged to cast ballot