马航乘务员调班丧命 妻子幸运逃生 Its an astonishing twist of fate a Malaysian air steward is dead after swapping himself onto flight MH17, only months after his wife, who is also a steward, saved her own life by swapping herself off the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. 一名马航乘务人员因调班乘上MH17而丧命,而仅在几个月前,他同为乘务员的妻子却因调班未乘坐失联的马航MH370侥幸逃脱一死,这种命运的捉弄真是令人感叹不已。 Sanjid Singh s last minute decision to board Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 has devastated his family. Sanjid Singh最后一刻决定登上马航MH17,这让他的家庭悲痛欲绝。 The Malaysian Insider reported that the 41-year-old had swapped flights with a colleague to fly on the Kuala Lumpur-bound Boeing 777. 据马来西亚局内人网站报道,41岁的Sanjid Singh与他的一名同事调班乘上了这班飞往吉隆坡的波音777。 His wife had swapped out of flight MH370 which has been missing since March. 今年三月,她的妻子曾因调班而未登上失联的马航MH370客机。 The father of the steward, 71-year-old Jijar Singh, sobbed as he said was eager to see his youngest child and only son after the flight. 他71岁的父亲Jijar Singh忍不住泪流满面,说自己想赶快见到自己最小的孩子,也是这次事件后他唯一剩下的儿子。 He always called us before he leaves for his trip, Sanjid s father said. 他的父亲说,每次离开前,他都会给我们打电话。 Sanjid s wife was meant to fly on MH370 but swapped with another colleague at the last minute. Sanjid的妻子本来要乘坐MH370,但她最后和另外一名同事调了班。
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